Just to have one taste of that.
As soon as the boat was close enough to the dock, I hopped off and looped the mooring line around the pillar. Silas cut the power and grumbled at me to have some fucking patience. We grabbed our stuff and headed to the truck.
“I’m driving.” I didn’t even wait to hear what either of them said. If they were in by the time I put the truck in gear, too bad.
“You’ll run us off the road. Your driving skills are shit normally, but now you’re rushing us.” Silas bitched but he didn’t try to fight me to get into the driver’s seat. He chucked his bag into the back and climbed in with Ezekiel right behind, sliding into the backseat.
“Whatever.” I might have wrecked one or two trucks over the years, and Silas, the bastard who could drive or fly anything, liked to remind me of that fact.
“We should pick up some food on the way back. The dogs need more treats too.” Ezekiel unzipped his coat before he rested back against the bench seat with his arms stretched across it.
I didn’t want to stop anywhere. I wanted to get up to the cabin, but he was right. “Let’s get some danishes from the bakery, and then we can stop at the grocery store. Maybe get some moose steaks for a welcome dinner tonight.”
“Bet you she’s a vegan. Might want to grab some cabbage too,” Silas snarked.
“Not in the mood for your shitty attitude today.” Everything in me was too tense. Would I even get along with Nicolette? What would it even be like to live with a woman around? I’d never known my mom. And the only woman regularly in my life was Shae, and she was as much a beast of the woods as we were.
“We’ll get what we can. Sav says he’s been putting some work into the greenhouse, if we need more fresh veggies.” I envied Ezekiel’s easy-going nature, and the fact that he believed my father would do anything other than build up the greenhouse. No way the old man had a green thumb.
We picked up pastries and coffee, and enough groceries to feed a small army. I had no idea what Nicolette would like. It was best to get a bit of everything.
It was nearly ten by the time we made it up to the cabin. I could see footprints and paw prints in the snow. It seemed Nicolette was up and had taken the dogs out. There was no sign of my dad’s snow machine or any evidence he’d been there. Of course. He wanted me to carry on the family line, but the miserable old coot barely took care of us when we were young. The fact we’d survived our childhood in the Tongass was due to luck and nothing else.
I grabbed my bag and an armful of groceries and all but charged up to the front door. Opening it, I was nearly bulled over by Ezekiel’s dogs. They gave me a brief greeting before they ran over to him, who lavished them with hugs and treats.
“Hello?” I hurried inside, finding no one. The faint scent of eggs and coffee sat in the air. She’d had breakfast, and she wasn’t a vegan if she ate eggs. Where was she?
“Seems like she took off already. Good thing before she saw your ugly face.” Silas pushed past me and brought his groceries to the kitchen.
The urge to bash in his head surged through me, but that’s when I heard the shower. I grinned widely. “Fuck you. She’s still here. I’m going to let her know so we don’t scare her.”
Ezekiel came in with the dogs, shutting the door behind him. “You’re being extra pissy today, Si. Try to at least be somewhat congenial. You know how much this means to Kodiak and Sav.”
I was glad he had my back. Walking down the hall, steam rolled out from the closed bedroom door. No piney or musky men’s soap smell. This was light and feminine with some tropical notes. The smell matched her pictures, which made my cock twitch in my pants.
I didn’t think twice as I opened the door. The Omega was in the shower after all.
But the second I did, the water stopped. I was staring straight through the open bathroom door as Nicolette pushed back the shower curtain.
Oh fuck. Her creamy skin gleamed with wetness and every perfect curve was touched by the light. Her deep red hair hung around her shoulders and a few adorable freckles dotted her body. I couldn’t stop myself. My eyes went to that tiny trim red patch between her legs. My dick was hard as granite.
Nicolette saw me as she reached for a towel and yelped, yanking the curtain back in front of her.
Dammit. She was going to think I was some pervert. “Sorry! Just wanted to let you know we were home and brought some food. I’ll give you your privacy to dress and stuff.”
Lame, lame, fucking lame.
I slammed the door shut. “Shit.”
All I could hope was that she believed me when I said it was an accident. That wasn’t how I imagined meeting her, but damn. She was smoking. How the hell do I land an Omega that hot?
My heart still pounded as I tried to push away my embarrassment. The guys would laugh at me. I was never going to live this down.
I sniffed myself as I walked away from the bedroom. When was the last time I showered? A few days ago. We’d been working hard to get the last few trees down before the first snow. Not that the snow ever kept us from being out there, but since these trees were on the side of a rocky cliff, we knew better than to take the risk with logs of that size.
I could take a quick rinse off in the other guys’ shower, but I didn’t want to miss Nicolette when she finally came out. I needed to apologize properly.
Marching back to the kitchen, I patted Atka as the husky came bounding over to me before starting to swiftly put everything we bought away.