“Parked at my place. I caught a ride to Jeremy’s.”
“I can drive you.”
“Can I ask you a question? I don’t like bringing it up, but I need to ask.”
“Sure. Why not?”
“We’ve never talked about Tanner,” I said.
“I try to forget him,” she said.
“He came into Mike’s Diner a lot, right?”
“A few times a week. Sometimes he lingered.”
“Did he talk to you?” I asked.
“Mostly to Mike. But I could see him eyeing me when he didn’t think I was looking. They liked to shoot the shit.”
“Did Mike tell that to the cops?” I asked.
“I guess.”
“Was Mike surprised when the truth came out about Tanner?”
She pushed back a thick shock of red hair. “We were all shaken.”
“Any idea what Mike and Tanner talked about?”
“Sports. Construction. Women.”
“Did you hear any names?”
Tiffany shook her head. “I make a point not to get into anyone else’s business. I don’t know any more than I told you.”
I wasn’t sure I believed that. I fished an egg roll out of a wax paper envelope and took a bite. “You like Mike?”
“He’s cool. Cut me a lot of slack after what happened. I was late a lot after that.”
“Tonja wasn’t crazy about me visiting the diner a few days ago.”
Tiffany shook her head. “Tonja is a mama bear. She took care of us all, including Mike.”
That might explain why she was so tense and why she identified me so quickly. “Want a shower?”
“Do I need one?”
“You do.”
Tiffany shrugged. “Do you have anything to drink here?”
“Beyond soda and water, no.”
She frowned. “I’m going to need something soon. I really can’t stay.”
“You can leave anytime. Or you can shower and get some sleep.”