Page 8 of The Holiday

“At least some people around here are getting laid.”

“Tough break about your romantic weekend.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Ira should be knuckle-deep in her at this moment, going to town on Kathleen’s pussy as they waited to be called down for dinner. Then she would be knuckle-deep in the bath. Then in bed again. All fucking night. Or at least that was the fantasy Kathleen concocted in her head.I was going to break out the collar after the bath…She hadn’t submitted to Ira in a good month.She better stick it in the right hole first, though.The one that had been screaming for Ira’s fingers ever since they got in the car four hours ago…

“Hey, speaking of getting laid…”

Kathleen already knew where this was going. “No, I have no idea how you can bag the hot chick over there.”

Etta Coleman’s secretary sat in a corner, going through her boss’s business phone so Etta could “relax” with a game of chess. If being hunkered over, squinting her big brows, and snarling like an ogre could be called “relaxing.” It was a good thing Irawas not easily intimidated. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be winning right now.

“At any rate, I know all about this woman.” Eve had pined for Natasha for months. Pushing over a year now. Apparently, she was the butch Domme’s type. And gay, which was a bonus. Yet no matter how many times Eve asked the pretty blond out, Natasha declined. To Kathleen, that meant Eve needed to pack it in. She wasn’t getting that pussy anytime soon. No point in making the girl uncomfortable.

“Everyone,” the butler said in the doorway, “dinner is served.”

The smell of roast hit them before they even entered the dining room. An eight-person table was set, no place cards available. This meant the competitive types had a silent contest to see who got to sit at the ends.Haha, not Ira. Oh, Ira was competitive, but she didn’t get into pissing contests. She was the type to wait in the shadows for an opportune moment. Let CEO ass-kickers Helen Warner and Etta Coleman have a battle of the wills!

Suited Kathleen fine. She didn’t want her girlfriend posturing like an idiot anyway. She did that fine on her own time.

By some hilarious twist of priorities, Kathleen ended up on the other end of the table, between Eve and Ira.Behave yourself.She sent that thought to Eve, who sat diagonally from Natasha and was already counting her lucky stars.

Courses of food came out. Roasted meats, potatoes, vegetables… all spiced and tenderized perfectly, so everything practically melted off forks and tongues. Thankfully, this meant everyone’s mouths were full and thus too busy to have awkward conversations. The minor words that came up were mostly Etta and Helen chatting.

That didn’t stop Kathleen’s partner from finding ways to communicate with her.

“You’re hot,”the text on her phone said.

Her mother used to ride her ass for texting at the dinner table. Too bad Mommy Dearest wasn’t coming home for Christmas. Naughty Kathleen would have to make do with texting her hot partner and occasional Domme next to her.

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Aw, shucks. You think so? Warner and Coleman are both dressed better than me. I feel so woefully underdressed for a night I thought would be nothing but relaxing with you. We didn’t even bring a third wheel, the fuck!”

They exchanged furtive glances around the corner of the table. Kathleen held in a smile. Ira didn’t even bother.

A new text popped up on Kathleen’s phone.

“Watch the eye-fucking.”

“Mind your own business.”

“How dare you. There is nothing more interesting than watching you and your girlfriend eye-fuck at the dinner table.”

“Talk to somebody, for the love of God. I can’t be your only friend here.”

Eve put down her phone and pretended her dinner was the most delicious thing ever.

“Are we alone again?”

“I dunno, are we alone at all this weekend?”

“I hear we have our own room.”

“Oh, good, so the others can hear us going at it.”

“Sweet! We’re still hooking up this weekend?”

“If you, Warner, and Coleman manage to not get into a pissing contest. I saw the empty bottles in the study.”