Page 25 of The Holiday

“I do that all the time.”

“Not on a whim like that.” Ira gathered a chunk of Kathleen’s hair into her hand and gave it a gentle tug. “After earlier, I didn’t think you would care to do things like that.”

“I was being facetious. Hm. And now you’re being mouthy, but not in the way that benefits me.”

“Shut up.”

“Chop-chop. Back to lickin’.”

Sometimes Ira could be so…so… exasperating. Kathleen knew she did it purposely to get on her girlfriend’s nerves, but sometimes she was too much!

At any rate, Kathleen knew how to get back at her.

She wrapped her mouth over her again, eyes never leaving Ira’s as her tongue danced circles around her clit and her hand teased her relaxed entrance. Ira cursed in ecstasy. Yeah, she thought she liked this now?

Kathleen stretched a mouth as far as she could, determined to cover the entirety of Ira’s mound, hair and all. I’m going to do it. By God, I will show her…But Kathleen wouldn’t be able todig inunless she figured out where to rest her tongue for the next few minutes.

Then she brought out her teeth and grazed the sensitive skin of Ira’s slit.

“Fuck!” She never admitted to loving Kathleen’s teeth on her. Indeed, if Kathleen weren’t as experienced as she was in the art of pleasing a partner who lied back and enjoyed her oral sex… she wouldn’t even dare.

However, she trusted herself. Ira trusted her. That’s all that mattered as she drew her teeth up and down Ira’s nether lips,tongue and hand doing the brunt of the work. Ira became simultaneously more relaxed and stiffer as her wetness covered Kathleen’s tongue and promised more to come.IfKathleen knew what she was doing.

Oh, I do.

The moment Kathleen closed her eyes so she could enjoy this, Ira made the strangest sound. A pained moan came from the depths of her soul.

Kathleen stopped. “You okay?” she asked, pushing back the bed covers so she could get a better look at Ira, who blinked a thousand times before bringing herself back to reality.

“Yeah? Why the hell wouldn’t I be fine?”

“You made a weird sound.”

“Huh? I thought that was you.”

Kathleen heard it again. It was coming from outside their room. “What the fuck is that?”

If Ira cared, she sure as hell wasn’t going to show it. She put her hand on Kathleen’s head and pushed her back down. “Busy, Katie. We’re too busy to give a shit.”

I have half a mind to bite her.Yet Kathleen couldn’t say no to finishing the job she started. She blocked out any sounds other than her heavy breaths and Ira’s steady ones coursing through her body. Besides, she would much rather feel Ira’s heat and taste what made her so…her. Kathleen’s teeth and tongue agreed, stimulating Ira in unison.

“I’m gonna come if you keep that up.” Finally, tension entered Ira’s voice. Kathleen rewarded her excitement with a hum on her lips. A hum that got her more wetness and a shudder in the body beneath her. “Yup. Definitely gonna come. You better be ready, Katie.”

If Kathleen weren’t ready, she would have stopped, wouldn’t she?

Don’t hold back.Oh, boy, would she have loved to hear that come out of Ira’s mouth…

Instead, they both had to make do with what soon surged against her mouth.

“Hang on, babe, I’m…”Yes, yes, I know. I can tell, thanks. Ira’s thighs swelled with heat, and her pussy pulsed in the impending climax. Not to mention the way her fingers dug into Kathleen’s scalp!

The best thing about going down on Ira? She was a silent screamer. Sure, she may have gasped or grunted, but most of the time her orgasms were as soft as she was during the act itself. She let her body speak on her behalf.

That was fine with Kathleen, who was happy to let it happen.

She felt the moment Ira relaxed under her, breath coming out in long sighs. Her body sank into the mattress, no longer in the mood to fight the sheets. Kathleen pulled her head away from Ira’s pussy to find it glistening.

“Fucking hell,” Ira muttered, collapsing into her pillow. “That was fantastic.”