“Well. I was talking to Scott this morning, I apologized for how I acted when I first movedhome-”
“Oh, baby girl, you didn’t have to do that. We know you were going through a hard time.” Her look softens at me.
“I did, Mom. I treated you guys like shit. But he was so kind in his response and just showed me how he supports you and looks out for you in this quiet, unsuspecting way. And it made me think that’s what I love most about Gunnar, and then the fact that I said love has had me thinking all day. I know it’s crazy fast, and we didn’t really get off on the right foot, but I do. I love him.”
“I’m so happy for you. So I take it you’re not just roommates anymore?” She winks.
“We’re still roommates, just dating roommates. I still get scared he’ll want to leave me.”
“Sometimes you just have to let go and trust.” She squeezes my hand.
Let go and trust. Isn’t that what I just told Scott I should have done with Mom? Maybe I should trust her advice, her relationship with Scott hasn’t always been easy, and it took a lot of trust on her end to get to where they are now. Especially since they got together during a time that always had her more upset about Dad’s death.
Scott stepped in and took over Dad’s tradition of the 25 Dates of Christmas after learning that he used to do that for her. He had to work to show her that it’s okay if Dad was a part of their relationship and he wasn’t asking her to erase him from her life for himself.
Again, just like Gunnar, in a different way. He shared parts of himself and his past to get me to see what I was doing and how it was negatively impacting my life. Letting me know that it was ok to feel what I felt.
“I started posting on social media again,” I said.
“I know. I saw the video you posted of you and Gunnar. That’s why I’ve been waiting for you to bring him up. He looks at you just like Scott looks at me, how all the boys look at your sisters. You’ve found your true other half. I just wanted you to come to that conclusion on your own, since I’m not supposed to be meddling anymore.”
Tears start falling down my cheeks.
“And you just ignore that asshole manager of yours, trying to steal your thunder.”
“Wait, what?” I look at her shocked. “What do you mean ignore him?” Per the court agreement neither of us can say anything about the other so he shouldn’t be saying anything about me.
She purses her lips together in a tight line. “I’m sorry, I thought you’d have seen on social media.”
“I haven’t looked at my phone all day,” I admit. Which is a cardinal rule of mine. I never look after I post a personal video so I can prepare for the backlash and get ready to read the comments from trolls and steel myself against them.
“I’m so sorry. I feel like I’ve just ruined this perfect day.”
This time I squeeze her hand. “No, you didn’t. I was ready. I always knew this would happen. Hecan’t ever keep his word. I knew he wouldn’t do it this time. Plus, I was getting positive feedback on the hashtag someone created for #whereswillow. He can’t accept that he screwed up by letting me go. One of the popular tabloids in Nashville just posted a blog about our feud. Obviously it was fueled by Jake since he was front and center of the article.”
Fuck him. As soon as we get home, I’m going to read all these comments and get a plan of action together. “Do you and the girls want to grab pizza tonight? You can help me figure out a plan for this asshole?”
“Definitely!” She smiles and pulls out her phone. When my phone starts to go off like crazy, I know she’s texting the girls to make a plan.
My sisters are standing at the door waiting for Mom and I at the back of The Bar. There is pizza, soda, and bags that presumably contain ingredients for Mom’s cookies. The sight of them and their unconditional support brings tears to my eyes. I swipe them away before getting out of the car.
“Let’s get this asshole,” Addy says with a scowl on her face.
“The guys are ready to do whatever needs to be done, and I’ve got Donna on the ready for tonight,” Scarlett informs us.
Donna is one of her long time clients, an attorney in Boston. She represented Colton in hisdivorce from his crazy ex, and she’s a shark. I know she’s the right call for this situation. “She’s already got the link to the videos he’s been commenting on and she’s combing through his information and the court documents from your court case decision. We’ll get this bastard.”
I put my arms out and they all pile in with me, hugging me tight. With four people surrounding me, I’m feeling the love that I was seeking before and not accepting would be given to me, I felt so unworthy of it until Gunnar showed me that I deserve the support and love.
We head up the stairs, and unload all the food on the kitchen island. Everyone takes a seat at the bar stool, except Mom who is unpacking the bags and making cookies.
“Okay, so first thing first, you need to take this, and go sit on the couch and read through what is happening. We have already scrutinized but it’s your turn.” Lacey puts my phone in my hand and shoves me toward the couch while they work in the kitchen pulling out pans, plates, and glasses to get dinner set up, and help Mom expedite the cookie process.
Sitting on the couch, I fold my legs under me. I open my app and pull up my most recent video of Gunnar and I. Some of the comments make me laugh.
Mmm, he’s yummy. #whereswillow I need to know asap where you found this specimen of gorgeous man.
Get it girl. He’s a hottie.