I remember Lacey and Lauren talking about a friend who they thought was on drugs.
“I can’t confirm or deny. But I think you know this town is usually pretty up on the lives of its people. I’m really worried about Kayla being home over break.”
“Do you think Porter will come home? They were always close,” Scarlett asks.
“Oh, girls. You know we don’t discuss Porter.” Lorelei adds, and I see that Addy is blushing, and looks sad. I’m willing to bet that even though it isn’t discussed, Addy still thinks about it.
“Dad forbade us from talking about it ever again. So only Addy and Dad had the details. We could never get her to crack,” Lace says.
“Well, honey, maybe there is a reason for that.” Lorelei smiles in that motherly way that is nice, but effectively ends the conversation.
“Well, maybe you and I could go visit Maura. I could ask Lauren to come with us and we could say we want to come for old times’ sake,” Lacey offers to Addy.
Addy looks relieved to hear that plan. “I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go, but if you two could do that and just let me know how Kayla is I would really appreciate it. I’m still trying to get her to trust me, and I don’t want her to think that I spilled her whole life to you two.”
“Of course not. Remind me and we’ll text Lauren tomorrow,” Lacey promises.
That conversation starts a list of stories from the girl’s childhood that keep us all laughing through dinner. It doesn’t, however, stop the weird looks being exchanged between everyone and myself, and it just makes me more nervous.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Everyone is acting really weird tonight. They keep staring at Colton and smiling, but Colton keeps glaring at Preston and I’m afraid I missed something. I tried to ignore it at dinner, especially when it seems that Colton relaxed with Oliver’s interruption of his Christmas gifts. But I can’t ignore it anymore now that we are cleaning up and it’s still happening. “Okay. That’s it. What is going on? Colton looks like he wants to hit Preston, and you all look like you’re in love with Colton. Tell me.”
All their jaws fall open like they thought they were being so coy.
“Lace, it’s nothing,” Colton answers tersely.
“It is something. And if you’re not happy to be here, then just go,” I snap. I refuse to force people to be with us anymore. My sisters gasp, and Mom looks ashamed.
Colton is up and in the living room before anyone can speak. This is it. This is what I’ve been waiting for. For Colton to realize he doesn’t want us and leave. No one speaks as the tears start to form.
“Sweetheart, can you please come in here,” Colton asks.
I quietly place the dishes I am carrying on the counter next to the sink. I am not in a rush to hear Colton break my heart.
“Look, if you want to go, Colton, I don’t blame you. I just -”
He takes my hands and leads me toward the tree. He gestures for me to sit in the chair by the tree and reaches underneath to get a present. He cuts off my rant by placing his finger gently on my lips.
“Lace, sweetheart, stop. I’m not leaving you. I told you this morning that I want to be wherever you are. I think you should open your gift now and it might clear things up for you.” Colton hands me a messily wrapped box, with a bright pink bow that doesn’t match at all. I start chuckling because I immediately know that he let Oliver help him.
“I picked out your bow, Mommy,” Oliver says quietly as he slides in the seat next to me. Then I notice everyone hovering by the entrance to the living room. I open the box to see blueprints of a home, and a drawing that I’m assuming has been done by Oliver. Underneath those is a key with hearts painted on it.
“That’s my drawing, Mommy. I drew our perfect house! Look, there is me, you, and Colton. And a puppy. Because I really want a puppy.” This boy knows how to make me smile, but I’m still confused at the contents of the box. I look at Colton who is kneeling in front of me now.
“Sweetheart, these are the rough drafts of the blueprints for the house that I’m building. But it won’t be a home without youand Oliver. He helped me draw a perfect house the other day. Some of his ideas are great, while some might need work, but one idea I really agreed with him on. This house won’t be a home without you two in it with me. The key is actually the key to your apartment over the salon because I don’t want to wait until the house is built to make a home with you. Will you guys move in with me and help me build this dream house?”
I have tears streaming down my face. Of course this sweet man chose to involve my son in this plan. And of course I ruined it with my bullshit baggage.
“Colton, are you sure? We’re a lot. We’re a package deal, with a lot of baggage.” I whisper through the tears.
“I’ll build you all the room you need for your baggage. I am sure this is what I want. I want you two all the time. I want to read stories until I’m ready to fall asleep, and then come join you for snacks on the couch.” He winks at me, reminding me of last night. “I want to make breakfast with you every morning and start my day with family snuggles in our bed. I want to do school drop off, and I want to spend my days with you and Oliver. You two are my world, and I want to build a home with you.”
“Yes, Colton. Of course I’ll move in with you!” I throw myself at him knocking him on to the floor. Next, I feel a little thud hit us and see Oliver peeking his head in next to ours over my shoulder.
“Does this mean we get to have sleepovers with Colton every night, Mommy?” he asks excitedly, and it hits me that Colton was including Oliver without giving him false promises before talking to me.