“Sorry. Mrs. Smith has already claimed the first appointment. But maybe we can work something out, off the books of course.” I wink back at him.
“Oh, sweetheart. There are quite a few things I’d like to work out off the books.” He looks at me like he is about to devour me, just as he did a few days ago in the bathroom upstairs. Before my traitorous body can betray me any more than it already has, Oliver comes in through the front door. Impeccable timing kid. Every. Single. Time.
“Hey, my love. Did you have a good nap?” I squeeze him to me for a hug.
“Yeah, Mommy. Is this your new work?” He asks as he looks around the open, empty space.
“Sure is. And we get to live upstairs!”
He stops spinning and turns to look at me with his eyes wide, and his mouth hanging open. It makes me giggle.
“Can I go see my new roomright now?” he asks, his entire face lights with excitement.
I should have known he would ask that. I don’t want him to see what a gross mess it is upstairs, or be around all Colton’s tools.
Colton must see the hesitation on my face, I give him a look that is clearly conveying I need his help here.
“If your Mom says it’s okay we can go up there, but I already brought my tools over and some of them are dangerous. So I will need you to listen very carefully to my directions.” Colton looks to me and shrugs his shoulders, almost asking if he did well with his answer. I guess if he feels comfortable letting Oliver go upstairs around his tools then it should be okay. We will both bethere, and Colton knows his tools better than I do. I decide to trust him, and let Oliver go explore his new room.
“Sure, bud. But you have to listen to Mommy and Colton. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Colton grabs some work gloves for Oliver, probably to help protect his little hands.
Oliver runs over to hug me tight and then runs to grab Colton’s hand. I follow behind them as we ascend the stairs to the apartment.
“Wow, Mommy! This issocool! Is this my room?” Oliver looks around in amazement as Colton puts the work gloves on him. I’m glad he is so excited because it is nothing compared to our home in Maine, or my mom’s house. Since his room has no tools in it, I let him run around and explore it by himself.
“Thank you. Again. It’s like I forgot how to be a mom today,” I say as I come up behind Colton.
Grabbing my hand, he pulls me to the side so we can’t be seen from Oliver’s room. My heart is racing from the touch and what happened last time we were alone in this apartment.
Holding my hand and pinning me to the wall with his body, staring into my eyes, he says, “You did not forget how to be a mom. You are a wonderful mom. Oliver loves you and you are doing the best thing you can for him. Don’t ever doubt yourself.” He leans in and lightly kisses my forehead.
As we hear little feet coming our way he releases me and takes a step back. How this man constantly knows the perfect things to do and say is beyond me. You’d think he has ten kids and has dated damaged single moms a million times in the past. Lucky for me, I know he’s only been with Elizabeth for a long while, so I know that he is genuinely just the perfect man.
Chapter Eight
This week has been dragging by with work. I've been so busy I've barely had any time to talk to Lacey, let alone see her. I am so happy today is Friday and I can disconnect from work for the weekend.
I had to go down to Massachusetts to put out some fires with my foreman. Some of our subcontractors and vendors don’t want to believe that he has the power to make decisions. They want to continue to make me do all the work, despite the numerous emails I’ve sent stating otherwise. After that fun two day venture I think most of them have been set straight and he shouldn’t have any more problems from here on out.
I’ve been over to Lacey’s salon a few times to do some work but our schedules never matched up and I haven’t seen her since last Saturday. Tonight I get to see her though, even if it is in agroup with Preston, Scarlett, and their other sister, Adelaide. I will take any time I can get with her.
A group text comes through as I’m about to head out on my, much too late, run. I see Lacey’s name and I’m nervous she’s going to cancel. I love my brother and Scarlett but I’m really only going to see her.
Lacey:Hey! Lauren texted me and asked if I wanted to grab a drink tonight, anyone mind if I invite her to join us?
Before I can respond that I don’t know who Lauren is, Scarlett and Adelaide respond.
Adelaide:Hell yeah! Then I don’t have to be a fifth wheel.
Scarlett:Of course! I’d love to see Lauren!
Ok now I feel like I should know who this Lauren is. I send a text to Lacey on the side.
Me:I don’t mind at all, but, who is Lauren?
Lacey:Sorry! She’s a friend from high school, she’s the local realtor who sold me my salon space.