“Yeah, Aunt Scarlett! Perfect for our girl. It has to be magic like Colton said!” Oliver grins at Scarlett through the phone.
“Okay, don’t you two worry, we just finished up here and everything is gorgeous. She is going to love it. And if she says no, I might say yes.”
“Hey! You already said yes to me, and you can’t take it back. Hey, Colton. You ready for today?” Preston asks.
“I’m not sure. I’m really nervous. I’m also worried someone is going to ruin this surprise.” I roll my eyes towards Oliver.
“Ah. Right. Well don’t worry we will keep everyone quiet. Promise. I know how nervous I was to get everyone on board when I proposed to Scarlett. At least you aren’t trying to win her back and propose at the same time.” As much as they like to joke with each other, I remember what a mess Preston was when he thought he would lose Scarlett forever.
“Ok, well, we will be at the apartment in ten minutes. Are you guys ready to head over? I don’t want her to question anything.”
“We will be there in four minutes. Addy & Lorelei already left to go over. Scott is leaving here in a second, then we will go after that so we don’t all show up at the same time.”
“You guys are the best. I owe you big time.”
Scarlett yells from somewhere, “You could pay me back with a hot tub!”
“Yeah, I don’t know about that. Let’s see if you guys can pull this off first!” I hang up while chuckling. I look at Oliver and direct these very specific instructions. “Listen, buddy, this is a big day. And I know you’re super excited to give Mom your ring, but we can’t let her know there is a surprise, or what it is. You just have to pretend you’re excited to move into the house today, okay?”
“You got it. My lips are zipped. Shh.” He pretends to lock his lips with a key, and I laugh. I know full well he is going to tell Lacey something. I just have to hope she won’t figure out that I plan to propose.
I park the truck and we all head upstairs. As promised, everyone is there with Lacey loading up their cars and trucks. It’s so close to the apartment we just decided to make multiple trips,but since we don’t have to move the furniture we shouldn’t have to move too much.
“- I don’t know. Are you sure? Shouldn’t the furniture go first?” I overhear a conversation with Preston and Lacey and jump in really quick before he has to figure out an answer since I already figured this answer out knowing her type A personality.
“Yup. Positive, sweetheart. I promise the best way is to get all the boxes in the rooms then we’ll bring the furniture and get it set up. It’ll be easier to move the boxes around an empty home instead of fighting with the furniture.” I kiss her forehead and walk away before she can argue with me. Then. I hear what I didn’t want to hear.
“Mommy! Me and Colton got a special surprise for you today!” Oliver bellows.
I hang my head and look at Lorelei who is laughing at me.
Everyone is acting so weird today. First, no one would answer my calls or texts. Colton and Oliver took off for hours this morning, not that I mind because I got a few hours of uninterrupted packing. But still odd that he left me the morning we are moving. Then Oliver comes home and says they have a surprise for me. Is that where everyone was? I’m about to go bug my sisters for some information. Addy would be easiest to crack so I’m going to start with her.
“Hey, Addy.”
She jumps at the sound of my voice. Definitely hiding something. She always gets jumpy when she’s trying to keep a secret. “Oh, hey, Lace. I’m just about to bring this down to the truck.” She tries to skirt around me and won’t look at me.
“Oh, just put it right here, Colton will bring it down.”
“Lace, I know what you’re doing. I heard Oliver. I am not going to crack and tell you what the surprise is. It’s a good one so please don’t push people to find out what it is. None of us will tell and that will annoy you. Just accept it.” Damn, she knows me as well as I know her.
“Fine. I’m going to find Mom.” I leave her behind and I hear her release a breath. No doubt she’s happy that I am not going to push her again. She’s the worst at secrets. Well, next to Oliver.
I don’t get very far before Mom stops me and says that she heard me talking to Addy and she agrees that I just need to let it be. I decide to let them have this. I hate surprises and Colton hasn’t let me see the house since they put in cabinets. I bet he built me the back patio and fire pit I asked for. He said he didn’t want one, but he loves going to Preston and Scarlett’s house to have a fire.
“Mommy! Are you excited to see your surprise?” Oliver asks. He’s almost gasping with excitement.
“I would be if I knew what it was!” I say, rethinking my commitment to not asking about the surprise amongst this perfect opportunity.
“It’s -" Preston swoops in and throws Oliver his shoulder.
“Not today, Lace. Not. Today!” He yells as he goes downstairs with Oliver giggling at his back.
I cross my arms and pout as Colton walks over to me. “Lace, I love you. But Oliver is leaving with Preston and Scarlett,” he says chuckling.