That makes the last bit of whatever wall I had left around my heart crumble.

“Sure does, baby. Every night,” I say.

“Grammy! Did you hear that?” He runs off to find my mom and they must take off to the kitchen. Everyone else comes over to give us hugs and say their congratulations.

“Wait, I’m confused though, this doesn't explain all the weird looks.”

“That would be my fault. I told Scarlett because I was so excited for Colton, and we did a really good job until this morning when you said you wanted to wait to open gifts. So Colton had to call me and tell me not to mention anything to you, which led to me having to tell Scarlett. But we were already here, so that also led to telling your mom and Addy.” Preston shrugs. “Obviously, Colton wasn’t happy so many people knew and were threatening to ruin his surprise.”

“That explains why you all looked so in love with Colton, but he looked like he wanted to punch Preston.” I laugh.

“Yup, we beat it out of Preston though. He did not give up the information willingly!” Addy laughs. And I know she did. She may be more into meddling than mom. Mom and Addy played a big role in pushing Scarlett and Preston together.

“I’m so glad this is what it is. I thought I missed something big and when Colton left the table I was preparing for the worst.”

Colton comes and sweeps me out of the chair into his arms. Everyone takes that as their cue to leave.

“I told you that I want to be wherever you are. I mean it sweetheart. Wherever you go, I go.”

“To start with the perfect home, it will be wherever we all are. I don’t need a fancy house to have a perfect home Colton. I only need you and Oliver.” I bring my mouth to his and kiss him.

The rest of the day passes in a blur. One bliss-filled blur. Oliver fell asleep amidst the toys at Mom’s house, and we just put him in his bed there. I promise Mom I will be by to get him as soon as he wakes up, and she made me promise to spend the day relaxing. She would be happy to spend the day playingwith Oliver and all his new toys. I don’t know what I’m looking forward to more, alone time with Colton, or a full night of sleep after the marathon that is Christmas with a small child. Colton takes one look at me from across the room, and I know right away which one I’m more excited for.

It’s been a few days since we moved into the apartment with Colton, and everything is going so well. Lauren and I had gotten in touch with Maura, but she wouldn’t let us over the house, so we met for coffee at the diner. She was definitely drunk when she met us. I just hope she continues to meet with us. She kept telling us everything was fine and she was fine but we both knew that wasn’t the case. From what Addy has hinted at, it seems that alcohol might not be the only problem.

Things have even been quiet with Michael since everything happened. I don’t think I will have to worry about him anymore. Soon the divorce will be finalized and I can block him out of my life. Same with Elizabeth for Colton. Preston heard from a friend that she was seeking therapy for what they determined to be a mental break. I assume that much like Colton, she was under pressure from her family to be married into the West family, no matter how it happened. It’s a little sad if that’s the case, it really just goes to show that parents have a profound impact on their children’s life path. I can only hope that I will have a positive impact on Oliver’s.

“Lace, everyone will be here in a few minutes. Need me to do anything?” Colton asks.

We are hosting our first family dinner for everyone. Scott is coming with Mom, and Addy even convinced Willow to Facetime the family during the dinner.

“Nope. The beef stew is in the crockpot, and everything else is on the counter. People can serve themselves, I think.”

“In that case …” Colton pulls me in for a kiss that makes me melt. Building a home with this man is going to be the best dream come true.



Today is moving day; our dream home is finally ready. It’s also the day I am going to propose to Lacey.

Both our divorces were finalized a couple months ago, thankfully. And now with our past behind us, we can more forward to create a future together.

Elizabeth is in therapy getting the help she needs, last I heard she met a nice man who works as an insurance agent. She's living a normal life out of her parent’s control. I’m truly happy for her to be free of them. They’re as bad as my father.

As for Michael, he served a couple months in jail for his stunt at the school, and once the divorce was finalized we haven’t heard from him since. His new girlfriend and their baby were at the divorce hearing, so at least he’s focused there for now. He didn’t look happy about it, but he made his bed so he can lie in it.

Last month Oliver and I went to the jewelry store in the city and designed our rings for her. Of course, I involved my little buddy. He wanted to get her a ring that matches the one I designed for her. We went with a rose gold band with diamonds on it to match the rose gold solitaire I got her.

Luckily, Lace is too busy packing that she didn’t even question the length of time Oliver and I would be gone this morning to go pick them up. Ever since they moved in, my life has been so full. I can't imagine life without them anymore. I know most people think we’re moving too fast since both of our divorces were just recently finalized, but they are the missing pieces to my heart. I feel complete with them by my side.

Since we are getting close to Lupine Valley, I call Preston to make sure everything is set up and ready to surprise Lace. I used her Pinterest boards and bought furniture to match what she had envisioned for the home, I also completed her wish for the backyard. She wanted a big backyard kitchen with a fire pit and hot tub. So, I made it happen.

Preston and her family are there now putting out the flowers, and strands of Edison bulbs around the patio. It’s going to be gorgeous when we get there and hopefully she loves it so much she won’t be able to turn me down! Even though I’m pretty sure I could propose with a paper ring, and she’d say yes, I’m still really nervous again, just like I was when I asked her to move in.

“Hey, Colton! You calling to check up on us?” Scarlett answers Preston’s phone.

“Sure am. Everything has to be perfect for our girl, right, buddy?”