He grasps my face in his hands and pulls me down to him for a kiss. My heart pounds as if it can’t contain this happiness. I feel as if everything with Michael was supposed to happen in order to lead me to Colton.
“Lace, I promise to love you the way you deserve as long as you’ll let me. I promise to love Oliver the same as long as you let me,” he says as he peppers my face with small kisses.
“How did I get so lucky to find you, Colton West? You have come into my world at my lowest and have done nothing but build me up since day one. I promise to try and make you as happy as you make me.” I place my hand on his cheek and stare into his eyes.
“You already make me happier than I could have ever imagined.”
We cuddle in close, tangle our legs together and fall asleep. Happy and tangled together.
Chapter Twenty
We had an amazing night together. After Lacey and I spent a lazy Sunday morning tangled in each other, we spent the day with Oliver, freezing at the park, followed by thawing out for dinner at the diner. I’m convinced that kid doesn’t feel cold. The only thing I wish we could have changed was the fact that Michael kept texting Lacey. Of course, she kept a happy face on for Oliver, but I knew it was weighing on her.
Now I am heading to the school to be there for her while she talks to the principal. She doesn’t need me, she is so strong already, but if she needs the moral support, and to not feel alone, I’m here for her.
Michael has been escalating his threats to Lacey since the weekend. The lawyer seems to think it will be okay until theircase in January, but I'm not on board with that. He needs to stop simply because it stresses her out.
Me:On my way to you. Are you guys ready to go?
Lacey:Yup. Oliver is just choosing his shoes, but we’ll be ready when you get here!
I hop in my truck to go get Lacey and Oliver. Oliver is excited for his Christmas break to start at the end of the week, and I can’t wait because I have some really fun things I would like to take him to do.
First on the list, he asked if I would take him to buy Lacey a Christmas present. How could I say no to that? I just need to figure out how to get her to let me take him without telling her why. He wants it to be a surprise that he is able to buy his mom a present. I’m too busy thinking about how to be sneaky, I don't even hear them open the doors to the truck.
“Hi, Colton! You’re going to bring me to school! My friends are going to think your truck is way cooler than Mommy’s car.”
“Well, obviously the boy’s truck is cooler.” I wink at him, and Lacey gives me some serious side eye.
“I think my car is plenty cool, thank you two very much,” she says as she crosses her arms over her chest.
Once everyone is buckled up, we head off to the school. Lacey is nervous; she keeps wringing her hands together in her lap and is staring straight out the front window, not talking.
I park the truck in one of the open visitor's spaces and we all walk in together. I take Oliver down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast while Lacey asks to see the principal.
Lacey:They said we can see the principal in 5 minutes.
Me:Ok. Be right there.
I get Oliver settled with his breakfast and head back to the office. I left him with a big grin on his face, and I know for sure I will do anything I need to do to protect this child.
“Hey, are you doing okay?” I ask as I settle in next to Lacey in the waiting area.
“Yes. I’m just nervous he will actually act on these threats. I don’t want Oliver to be exposed to anything more than he’s already been dealt,” she says quietly.
“I get that. This should help and I’ll do whatever I can to help you stop this. Hopefully, the divorce being final soon will stop him like the lawyer says.” I don’t tell her that I think it could go the opposite direction and trigger him more.
“Ms. Harper, it’s so good to see you again! Come on back.” The principal reminds me of that teacher from the movieMatilda. The nice one, Ms. Honey, I think? So, I guess that’s a good start. She seems like she will be understanding of the situation.
“Thank you so much for making time for us. I know you're busy with the break coming. I wouldn’t bother you if it wasn’t important,” Lacey says.
“Of course! I always have time for you and Oliver! I’m so glad he seems to be settling in nicely here! He has a few friends that I’m always seeing him with. It’s good when they can get a core group of friends at this age to carry through.” She gestures to the chairs in her office.
“Yes, he’s very happy. Oliver isn’t actually aware of this situation, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention anything to him.”
We sit in the chairs opposite the principal's desk.