“Thanks, I appreciate it. I hate that this is our conversation, but I have to get going for a meeting. Want to grab a beer later?”

“Sure. Text me when you’re back in town.”

I need that beer with Preston. Hopefully, we can celebrate a new deal here in New Hampshire too. It’d be nice to have a big project lined up here. This guy is a solid connection, and if he decides to build here, his other rich friends will follow. I love being in Lupine Valley, but my business now relies heavily on my clients and their connections building vacation homes in the mountains if I don't want to drive down to Massachusetts weekly.

I throw my car in park at the coffee shop in the city. I check my phone and grab my laptop before heading in.

I see Paul sitting at a table already so I head over there to greet him. A waitress brings his coffee so I place my order before settling in.

"So, what do you have for me?" He asks.

"Well, the land you bought is beautiful. I think you could do a lot out there. I did up two designs for you. One that's a more rustic looking cabin with all the modern comforts, or we could go with a more glamorous look." I spin my laptop around and show him the two displays.

"What would this wall of windows on the cabin face?" He asks.

"These would open to a view of the mountains on the back of the property. You'd be able to sit out on your deck and watch the sunsets with the mountains in the foreground." I show him photos I took on my phone of the view.

"That one." He points the log cabin design. "The wife would be pissed at me if I didn't give her that view." He laughs.

"You got it. Wouldn't want to upset Alicia." I laugh with him. His wife is a sweet woman, but she doesn't take any shit from anyone.

We spend the rest of the time going over specific design tastes, and he calls Alicia for the interior design. She insists on coming up and having Lacey and I join them for dinner when we make some more final choices. Paul has a crew set up to go in and clear the land so I should be able to start as soon as the ground isn't frozen anymore. He mentioned too that some of his friends were looking in the same area for land so hopefully I’ll get a couple more contracts over the winter. It would make me feel a lot better about my business moving.

I text Preston on my way back and we’re meeting at The Bar. I always find it funny that Gunnar named his bar that way.

I’m sitting at the bar waiting for Preston to show up when Gunnar walks over. "Hey, Gunnar, do you have a minute? We can talk about the bar makeover if you want.”

“Oh, I was just kidding about that,” he says, laughing. “But I guess if you were seriously offering, it could use some work. I’m going to pay you though.”

“We’ll see about that. I like jobs where I get to be creative, keeps me invested in building stuff.” We talk for a few minutes about what he’s looking for, but he mostly trusts my judgment to get it done.

“Sorry it took me so long to get here,” Preston says, sitting at the stool next to me. “I had a last-minute patient walk in.”

“No worries. I was talking to Gunnar about a job.”

“So. Dad. What the hell does he want really?” Preston asks. Gunnar places the beer down next to him and he takes a sip.

“Who knows. He told me that there have been some health issues lately and we need to fix things with him and Eleanor. Not that he needs to fix things, but we do.” I roll my eyes.

“Yeah, right. Because we are going to jump and do whatever he says. It’s like he hasn’t learned.” He laughs, because we have never done what Ethan West wants us to do.

“I know. Whatever. He can figure it out on his own. I’m not giving him any more thought. I need to focus on Lace and Oliver.”

“When do you get to see her again without the little man?” He turns to face me.

“I don’t know. She mentioned wanting to go Christmas shopping, but she feels bad asking Lorelei since Scott seems to be on this 25 dates of Christmas thing that Andrew used to do for her.” I shrug. I like Scott. He is a good guy who treats Lorelei like a queen.

“Understandable. I’m happy for Lorelei though. She deserves a good guy to spend retirement with. Scarlett and I don’t have any plans this weekend. I’d have to check with her, but I bet she would be happy to keep Oliver for you guys to spend some time alone. I think Scarlett is more invested in your relationship working than anyone else.” He raises his eyebrows and gives me awhat can you dolook.

Preston isn’t wrong. I feel like our relationship is in the public eye of this small town, especially after my stunt in front of Mrs. Smith this morning.

Chapter Nineteen


When I get the text from Colton that Preston and Scarlett are offering to keep Oliver overnight this weekend so he and I can go on a date, I might have let out a squeal of excitement.

He claims he asked Preston because he needs my help on Christmas shopping. I don’t believe it, but I don’t really care what reason he wants to try to use. I’m just excited to get Colton all to myself.