When dinner is finished, Colton sends Oliver to clear the table while we do the dishes. “So, a sleepover. What do you think?” he whispers in my ear.
My body instantly reacts to his breath on my skin.
“I’m worried he might get ideas, he already called you Dad.” I chew into my bottom lip.
“Well, he did. And we talked about it, and he seems to understand. As for the ideas, wearetogether, so I don’t know what other ideas he may get. And to make you feel more comfortable I will sleep on the couch.” He says drying the pan I just handed him.
Why does he have to be so logical?
“When you put it that way, I guess a sleepover would be okay. But I will sleep on the couch, I’m not putting you out.”
Colton grins from ear to ear. “Buddy, guess what! We are having a sleepover!” He yells out.
The two of them run to each other and start some sort of excited play fighting. I'm not sure who is more excited.
Laughing, I break them up and text Mom to let her know that we’ll be by in a few minutes to grab some clothes.
Then I wait for the text with a hundred questions.
Chapter Eighteen
Waking up with Lacey in my arms feels more right than anything has ever felt in my life. I know I told her I would sleep on the couch, but some making out on the couch led us here; to both of us in my bed.
She didn’t mean to fall asleep but when I heard her breaths even out in my arms, I couldn’t bring myself to wake her up. Watching her sleep, and feeling her soft body in my arms, it hits me how much I already love this woman. And her little boy. I love them both. These two have shown me what love is, and what a loving family is.
I knew my family was dysfunctional, I knew that my marriage wasn’t quite right, but with these two, God, everything is just so right. I feel like they complete a piece of me that I knew was missing, but I could never quite figure it out. Maybe it’s from thelack of affection and love growing up, or marrying someone who continued that pattern, which I did just to please my family. But I couldn’t be happier that Lacey accepts me for who I am, and she is proud of me. This is what I’ve wanted all my life.
Lacey stirs in my arms, and on cue, Oliver barrels into the bedroom and jumps up on the bed. Right onto my stomach.
“Good morning, bud.” I grab him into a hug and pull him over to my side so he isn’t sitting directly on his mother’s face. He is giggling non-stop and I wish I could bottle his energy at six in the morning. I’d never need coffee again. Lacey looks at me with a face full of pure panic, but it’s quickly masked for Oliver.
“Mommy, I love my room so much. I want to sleep here every night with Colton!” He throws himself between us and snuggles in between the two of us. I see now why Lacey warned me to at least put on boxers when I sleep.
“Well, where would Colton go if we lived here?” I know she said this to deflect him, but I knew instantly it wouldn’t work.
“Um, Mommy. You’re so silly. He will live here with us!” Oliver giggles and runs off to his bedroom again.
“I’m really. . . “ she starts.
“If you say sorry I’m going to tickle you before coffee. It doesn’t bother me one bit that he says that. I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my own mind. I love having you guys here.” I don’t tell her I love her yet because I don’t think she’s ready. I kiss her forehead and start to get out of bed, reluctantly. “I’m going to go make coffee and you’re going to stop worrying.”
I walk out to the kitchen and start two cups of coffee for us, then go off to find Oliver and make sure he is getting ready for school.
I offer to bring Oliver to school so Lacey can get ready for the day in peace. I stop in the diner on the way back to grab us some more coffee because kids have more energy than two adultscombined. And the Keurig can’t beat the diner’s peppermint mocha according to Lacey.
As I walk into the salon I hear Lacey on the phone in her office.
“Mom, I don’t know. I don’t know what he’s thinking. I just wanted to let you know in case he came by the house.” Lacey sighs in exasperation. I feel awful for her that Michael is causing this mess. I thought Elizabeth was bad, but at least I don't have a child she is threatening. I walk into her office and place her coffee on the desk.
She mouths a thank you to me over the phone. “I know Mom. I’m calling the lawyer as soon as he opens, I’m not calling to bother Brad until the lawyer tells me I have to. I don’t think Michael is dangerous, it’s more that I don’t want to put Oliver through this.”
I sit in the chair in her office, and I’m not sure if she wants me to leave or not.
“Mom, I have to go. I need to get some stuff done and call the lawyer before my client gets here.”
They hang up and she walks around the desk sitting in my lap, resting her head on my chest. I rub her back and let her just sit until she’s ready to talk. I know Michael is taking a toll on her.