“Hey, I know you’re still in here working, but I’m going to have to assemble some stuff, is it okay if I start doing that next week?” I ask Colton.
“Of course, your office is totally done so you could set up shop in there and assemble whatever you need. I can get all my stuff cleaned up and out of there this weekend. You’re all going to the city right?” He says as he marks the choices I made on a piece of paper.
“Yup, Scarlett is booking the hotel today. We wanted to do the whole weekend but Mom and Scott are hosting an event at the senior center Saturday night so I have to be home for Oliver. I can come help you out once I’m back if you need it,” I offer.
“I hope I’m not overstepping, but if you want me to watch Oliver for you Saturday night I’d be more than happy to do that.” He stops putting tools away to look at me.
“Really? I did think about asking you, but I feel bad asking. Addy has been a little quiet lately and we want to see if she’ll open up this weekend so that would actually be awesome if you don’t mind.”
If I haven’t already said it a million times, how did I get so lucky to have this man in my life?
Colton pulls me close to him and brushes my hair off my face. “I don’t mind one bit. It would be fun to have a guy’s night. I can see if Gunnar will let me borrow the projector again. We can watch some movies and have pizza. And ice cream. I bet we could convince Preston to join us as well.”
I stand on my tiptoes and quickly brush my lips across his. “Oliver will be so excited. Let me tell Scarlett really quickly that I can do both nights!”
I am even more excited to get a whole weekend with Lauren and my sisters! I haven’t had a whole weekend away from Oliver in, well, ever. I’ve never had a whole weekend away.
I hate to admit that even though I love having all this help, I do miss my little guy when I’m gone. Between him starting school and getting time to myself, I’m feeling pretty conflicted about my feelings. Sometimes I feel like I’m leaving him too much right now and that I should be around all the time.
“Oh my gosh. Would you look at this place?” I squeal with delight as we enter our hotel room. Scarlett was able to get two rooms so I’m rooming with Lauren, and Scarlett and Addy are in the room next to us. We have adjoining rooms though so we can just open the door and have one big room for all of us!
“I cannot believe how comfy this bed looks, or maybe it’s the fact that we left Lupine Valley at two in the morning. Anything might look comfortable at this point.” But I’m willing to betthose two beds with fluffy, white cloud like comforters are everything I’m dreaming of.
Lauren nods in agreement. We started our day way too early and shopped like mad women. I was able to get most of Oliver’s Christmas list and now I just have to pray that he doesn’t change anything on me at the last minute.
Scarlett comes into our room, of course looking perfect and chic. “Alright ladies, we get two hours for a nap. Then it's time to hit the town for dinner and drinks and these two are going to get their flirt on,” She says pointing to Lauren and Addy.
Addy groans. “How about no flirting, and a four hour nap?”
I slap Addy’s knee. “Nope, not tonight. Time to get you out of whatever funk you’re in!”
She flips me her middle finger as she walks away to her room, and we all break out into a fit of laughter.
We choose a local bar for dinner and drinks down the street from the hotel. We are lucky enough to get a corner booth together so we can have a quieter spot to talk, and, according to Lauren, see all the guys walking in.
“Alright spill it, Addy. What’s going on?” Scarlett asks as soon as our drinks are delivered.
“I knew you guys wouldn’t let this go.” Addy sighs. “Do you guys remember Maura Jackson from high school? She was in Lacey’s class I think. Porter’s sister.” Addy has been in love with Porter since Kindergarten. They dated in high school, but my dad forbade it once he found it. Porter’s parents weren’t exactly friends with ours. It's the only instance in my life I can remember my dad judging someone unfairly based on their life situation.
I have always thought there was more to the story that neither my father, nor Addy would give up. Either way, Addy was forced to break up with Porter when he got arrested with his friends.I’m not sure she’s ever gotten over him. She hasn’t had a serious boyfriend since.
“Yeah, Lacey and I were just talking about Maura a couple weeks ago actually. She didn’t look good and definitely wasn’t hanging with a good crew the last time I ran into her. She has been avoiding me since,” Lauren says as she stirs her drink with her straw.
“Well, her daughter Kayla is in my class. Something happened. I’m not sure what. But Kayla has been acting out, withdrawing from her friends, and her grades are slipping. She is normally a straight A student who doesn’t so much as whisper in class. I’m just really worried about her knowing what we know about Maura's lifestyle. I can’t get Maura to come in for a meeting, so my hands are kind of tied and I’m really worried about both of them.” Addy's eyes well with unshed tears. “I shouldn’t have even told you all that, but I know you wouldn’t leave me alone so please don’t ask more questions. I legally can’t tell you.” She pleads with us.
“Of course, we wouldn’t ask you to do that, Addy. I’m so sorry,” I place my hand over hers. “I know how much you care about your students, and how much you still care about Porter, and his family by extension,” I say.
“I don’t still care about Porter,” she protests quietly as she wrings her hands in her lap.
“Oh right. Okay, Addy. I’m letting this slide because you’re sad and I want to use the rest of our night to cheer you up, but just know, that we know, you are absolutely lying about Porter,” Scarlett says.
“You guys, Porter left and hasn’t been back since after the arrest. I haven’t seen him in a decade. What is there left to feel?” She looks so upset. I won't keep pushing her. Luckily Lauren comes to the rescue.
“Um, guys, this is too heavy, and we need more margaritas. I’m going to go get us a round and hit on that hottie at the bar. Addy, you want to come? He has friends and I could use help carrying the drinks.” She wiggles her eyebrows.
Addy agrees and they head off to the bar for our margaritas.
Scarlett and I laugh as one of the guys places his hand on the small of Addy’s back and she immediately stiffens uncomfortably, while Lauren is leaning into his friend. One perk is they’re all heading back here, and I get a free margarita. I’ll take it.