“For what it’s worth, I’m happy that you make my girl happy. She deserves something good in her life.” Lorelei smiles at me as she passes me in her walker, Scott hits me on the shoulder and I’m left with Preston.
“You going to lecture me again?” I level him with a stare.
“No I’m not. Even if I did, you wouldn’t listen anyway.” He shrugs.
“Is it really so bad, Preston?” I ask, a little hurt he’s so intent on keeping us apart.
“No, I’m just being protective. I didn’t do more before with Elizabeth and look how that turned out?” I glare at him, “Stop with the intimidating looks. I’m not saying Lacey is like Elizabeth. I just don’t want either of you rushing into things and I won’t be quiet about things this time.”
”I get it, brother. I appreciate it, I do. But things are different with Lacey, they have been since the minute my eyes landed on her that first night. I can’t explain it, but my soul feels at peace when she’s around me.” I try to explain my feelings to him.
“That’s how it is with Scarlett. I can respect that. Just don’t get hurt, okay? And if you do, I’ve got a fridge full of beer.” He slaps my shoulder.
“Colton! I got two big, big candy bars!” Oliver shouts. He runs toward me with his bag open wide to show me.
“Go be happy, Colton.” Preston nods toward Oliver.
And I plan to do just that.
Trick or Treating with Oliver took more out of me than a whole day of work. I am exhausted today, but I need to get the apartment set up for my date with Lacey. I know that I shouldbe taking her out to dinner and showing her an extravagant evening, but I am going to be selfish. I want her all to myself. And the only way to do that is to spruce up the apartment and make it not look like an actual construction zone, which it is.
I dug out some Christmas lights from Preston’s basement, and I borrow all the pillows I can. I’m going to set up the living room to look like a drive-in movie with lights all over, and the floor set up in one big picnic. I am going to order some chinese food, which, thanks to Adelaide, I learned is Lacey’s favorite. I got Mrs. Harper to make Lacey’s favorite cookies, and I bought some popcorn. I even got her favorite movie for tonight. I’m hoping all of this will still show her how special she is, without us having to be around a hundred people.
First up, is making sure the amperage can handle all these lights being plugged in. I make my way into the basement of the salon and check out the electrical panel. Luckily, it looks like the system was recently updated. I’m sure the kids didn’t want their parents to have faulty wiring so that is a point in my favor. Everything looks like it should hold up. Now, I need to get back upstairs and start hanging lights everywhere.
The living room is completely transformed. White Christmas lights hang from every corner, the floor has an air mattress, about fifty pillows and five blankets. Mrs. Harper was even nice enough to give me two wooden trays to place the food on. I shoot a text over to Gunnar to see if I can swing by and grab the projector set up he uses for sports games outside.
Me:Hey. Is it okay if I stop by in about 10 minutes to grab your projector?
Gunnar:Yea! I left everything with Bennett. I’m not there but he knows you’re coming.
Me:Thanks so much man. I owe ya one.
Gunnar:Well now that you mention it, I could use a new bar.
Me:You got it. Let me know when you have time to talk about what you want!
I don’t care how many jobs I have to trade, as long as Lacey is happy and feels cherished. I will do whatever I can.
It took me all day but I am finally done. Lacey should be here any minute. I am going to risk a shower because setting all that up wasn’t as easy as it sounds, and I turned up the heat so she wouldn’t be cold.
I am almost done in the shower when I hear Lacey’s voice yell out, “Colton, are you here?”
“I'll be out in a second. Whatever you do, do not go in the living room or even look in there!” I rush out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I want to see her face when she sees her surprise for the first time.
Chapter Thirteen
I have to admit I am a little intrigued by Colton’s warning to not go in the living room. I still don’t know what we are doing tonight, so does the living room have a clue to what we are doing? Or is it a disaster zone from construction? I am about to go cheat and look when Colton comes out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. My brain basically stops working as he stands in the kitchen, water dripping down his chiseled body. I must have been temporarily stunned because I forgot my hand was on the doorknob to go into the living room, leaving me caught red handed, both for staring, and sneaking.
“Lace, were you about to go peek in the living room?” Realistically, I hear him speaking but I cannot for the life of me focus on anything but his dripping chest, displaying the six pack I would very much like to touch.
“I, uh. Well. Maybe?” I stutter.
He steps forward closing the distance between us and his fresh soap scent envelops me. Scrambling my mind further.
“Distracted?” he asks with a knowing grin.