Page 7 of Everything I Need

“Addy, I didn’t run away because I was angry with all of you. I was hurt that you all thought I was choosing work over Dad. I didn’t even care what decision was made, I just needed one to be made. We all knew Mom was right. Dad wouldn’t want to be kept alive like that, but I ran because of what happened with Preston right after our fight.” I sigh out of exasperation. I hate admitting my fault in this.

“What do you mean? What happened with Preston?” She turns to look at me and I head over to the table with my drink. I need to sit for the rest of this conversation.

“I had left the room after talking with mom to come find you guys to talk. Mom told me I just needed to give you time. But when I walked out Preston and a nurse were talking about us, about me, our relationship. They must have overheard you guys talking about me, and concluded I was the evil sister with no heart who only cares about herself and her job. The worst part was Preston was the one saying it. He used to say how he loved that I care about our family most of all, it’s what made me different from the people inhis world. So, it really hurt to hear how he thought of me, especially as we were preparing to take Dad off life support.”

“Oh. I guess that’s our fault." She says head down, a blush covering her cheeks. "I’m so sorry. Willow and I were so angry we were not saying kind things, even though deep down we knew they weren't true, we were just so hurt.” Adelaide reaches out across the table and grasps my hands in hers, a sign of forgiveness.

“I never blamed you for what happened, I was just so hurt that all of you would think that about me. It was easier to keep my distance until you all came around, and then you didn’t.” I hang my head.

“I’m so sorry, Scarlett, I guess we never thought about the situation from your point of view, and that’s on us. We waited for you to reach out for a long time. When you didn’t it was easier to sit with our anger. Mom became so good at being the buffer that we just never reached out. I can’t speak for Lacey & Willow, but I’m so very sorry. Can you forgive me?” A tear rolls down Addy’s cheek.

“Of course I can, Addy, as long as you can forgive me. I think we both have a lot to make up for, but let’s start with some apple pie for dinner. Did mom make vanilla bean ice cream too?”

We both get up at the same time for a hug, and we hold on tight, as if this hug can heal the chasm between us.

“You know she did. She knew she’d need the big guns tonight.” We both laugh through tears, and it is music to my soul. I feel a little bit lighter again. Maybe I can actually mend the relationships with all my sisters. Addy forgiving me is a good start. That means I only have to worry about Preston for now. Ugh.

Chapter Four


ScarlettHarper.Inmybackyard. Not that she seemed very happy to see me. In fact, she seemed pretty angry with me and based on our last meeting, I can’t blame her. I’ve allowed her to keep her distance at charity events, and pretend she doesn’t know me, but Duke didn’t allow that to happen last night. I don’t know if I should thank Duke for taking it upon himself to make us known or be upset that he basically ambushed us into a surprise meeting.

The real question is, would I have done anything differently if I had time to prepare for our first meeting? I like to think the extra time would have given me time to react a little better. Instead, I was caught like a deer in headlights looking shocked, rambling about Duke running in the wildflowers. I should have just blurted out how sorry I am, and how much I miss her.

Luckily, I was smart enough to not give in to the urge to touch her, kiss her.

I might have been more prepared to see her in those yoga pants. The way they hug every curve of her body, a body that I know all too well. The way she looked so peaceful lying in the wildflowers, happy even to have Duke laying wet kisses all over her face. She was glowing. I can’t help but wonder if she’s here for the weekend, or longer. Last time I saw Lorelei she hadn’t mentioned that Scarlett was moving home, or even coming for a visit. Scarlett rarely visits from what I hear around the diner, and Scarlett Harper coming home for good definitely would have hit the gossip mill.

Maybe, if it's for a longer time, I will have the opportunity to make things right with her.

I haven’t forgotten her in the seven years since she walked out of my apartment, and today just reminded me why. There’s a magnetic pull, the same one I felt all those years ago. I wonder if she feels it still too, probably not. She obviously hates me, not that I blame her based on what she believes happened, especially since I haven’t corrected her.

When I found out the practice I was looking at was in Lupine Valley, I made a promise to myself that the next time I saw Scarlett in person I would explain myself, and fight for a second chance with her. Out of the small handful of women I’ve dated since Scarlett, none have ever measured up to her. She was funny, intelligent, kind and incredibly gorgeous. Her long jet black hair still calls to me, to be tangled up in my fist as I kiss her, hearing those moans she used to make. Memories of us together assault my mind. She has every right to hate me, but I’m going to be selfish. I need her back. I need her in my life.

What I really need right now, is to stop thinking about Scarlett and start thinking about this new business I bought. Monday mornings are always my least favorite. I decided to keep Dr. Kramer’s hours of opening in the afternoon on Mondays. I can use the morning to get all the paperwork done that I should have done last week.

Today I finally need to tackle my to-do list that I have been procrastinating. I love my patients, and seeing patients, but I really hate marketing to get new patients. Being in a small town I do well seeing the people in town, but the surrounding towns either go to a bigger city, or just choose to not come to a doctor, those are the people I want to market to. I offer the comforts of the small town and a personal touch to their care. I just suck at marketing myself.

I also need front end help. The secretary for the practice was Dr. Kramer’s wife. So when he left, so did she. And I hate paperwork more than marketing.

After an hour of sitting at my desk and staring at my computer, I can’t focus and give in to the buzzing coming from my phone. I see my brother’s name flash across the screen and I’m relieved to not see my father’s. I’m in no mood for another lecture today about how I have screwed up my life.

“Hey Colt, what’s up?” I lean back in my office chair, resting my head against the headrest.

“Hey, just got off the phone with Dad. Thought I’d give you the heads up. He is on the warpath about your new practice and thedisgracefulstunt you have pulled.” I can hear the sarcasm in his voice. He hates our father as much as I do, if not more.

“Let me guess, he can’t believe I’d disgrace the West name more than you?” I wish he could see my eye roll through the phone.

“You got it. Except you forget that I should have taken that as a compliment, instead of the insult we all know he meant it as.”

“Right, because that’s all our father knows how to give. How unfortunate for him he has two disgraceful sons who chose to own their own successful businesses.” I shake my head.

“Completely disgraceful.” Colton laughs half-heartedly.

“What else is going on Colt? I know it’s not just Dad. You don’t let him get to you.” I know Dad can get in his head, but I hear more in his voice.

“Well, uh, that was the other reason I called. I’m pretty sure Elizabeth is cheating on me.”