“You mean do I want to have my drinks with you instead of listening to you two through the walls while drinking alone? Yea. That sounds like a much better plan.” He smirks.
“Shut up. It isn’t my fault I’m so good my girl can’t get enough.” I pull a beer out of the cooler I keep stocked on the deck.
“Alright, alright. I’m going to shower and then we can head out.” Colton walks back inside and Duke almost knocks him over trying to get out and investigate what just happened.
Colton and I walk downtown to The Bar for dinner and drinks an hour later. I am excited to get a night out with my brother though. We have mostly been hanging around the house with Scarlett, not that I’m complaining.
“So, you finally got Scarlett back huh?” He says with a smile.
“Yeah. Sure did. Couldn’t be happier about it.”
“I know you are. I’m really happy for you. I’m sorry if I’ve been kind of a shit brother lately.”
I knock into him with my shoulder. “You’ve been going through a lot. You have a full plate right now.”
“You can say that again. Speaking of Scarlett, there she is.” He begins waving and yelling to her. “Scarlett!”
“Hey, guys!” Scarlett waves over at us and walks over with Addy and Lacey.
“Colton, this is Addy and Lacey, two of my sisters.” Scarlett motions at each of them.
“Nice to meet you, guys, are you guys headed to The Bar?” Colton asks, staring at Lacey.
“Yeah we figured we’d grab some dinner before eating our weight in mom’s cookies.” Addy shrugs.
“Oh, cool, we are headed there for dinner and drinks too.” I say even though it’s kind of obvious where we are going.
Lacey speaks this time. “Would you guys like to join us?”
Am I imagining things? Or are Lacey and Colton staring at each other, unable to unlock their eyes from each other?
“Well, that is up to Scarlett. I told her I’d leave her alone tonight.” I look to Scarlett for her lead on this one. I really did promise she could have a night without me bugging her.
“Yeah that would be great!” Addy and Scarlett both answer at the same time.
During dinner I get to know Lacey. I’d obviously gotten to know Addy since living in the same town, but Lacey lives in Maine so I have never really gotten to talk to her. We are talking about my move when Lacey admits that she was thinking of moving back too and asks me about any advice on opening a business here.
“I’m sorry, did you just say you’re thinking of moving back?” Addy interrupts.
Addy and Scarlett clearly didn’t know this fact since they both are looking at us confused.
“Well, yes. I haven’t really had the chance to tell you all yet, but Michael is moving out this weekend. Into his girlfriend’s apartment. I’m really thinking about selling the house and moving back here.”
Oh no. Another cheating asshole I assume.
“What? How have you kept this from everyone?” Addy pushes.
“Well. Oliver is always with me, since he doesn’t really fit into Michael’s new life, or old life for that matter, so I’ve never had the chance to call you guys without small ears listening, or repeating what I say.”
Lacey looks like she is about to break down, and her sisters are not helping by pushing her with questions.
I catch Colton’s eye and he figures out what I am trying to tell him.
“Hey, Lacey, want to dance? I love this song.” He stands up, reaching out to take her hand in his.
“Okay,” she hesitates, “that sounds good.” She smiles up at Colton and takes his hand, leading her to the dance floor.
Scarlett and Addy are staring at me. “Um, I’m really sorry?”