Page 43 of Everything I Need

Colton nods in agreement. “Yea. Preston’s burgers are good but, damn Scarlett. I am going to need to start working out more if you take over cooking.” He pats his six pack. I am always jealous that he just goes to work and I spend an hour at least working out everyday.

Dinner passes by with more small talk.

Colton goes into an animated version of telling us what happened when Elizabeth saw him leaving with the last of his stuff. Let’s just say she was not pleased. I worry for him.

To break him out of the funk about Elizabeth I tell Scarlett to ask him about the plans for my new deck off the master suite. He is so passionate about his work, and Scarlett is quickly becoming his biggest fan if it means she gets to lounge on the deck watching sunrises.

Colton slams his phone down for about the twentieth time since dinner started.

“Everything okay? Elizabeth calling you?” Scarlett asks softly, just like a concerned mother would ask.

“Elizabeth. Dad. Eleanor. Apparently, I’m just supposed to just look past thisscandal. Let it slide because Wests just don't divorce. It’s unseemly.” He scowls.

“Such bullshit. Seriously, you’re doing the right thing. You deserve someone to love you and give you everything you want out of life. She has proven that is not her.” Scarlett is coming to Colton’s defense again against Elizabeth.

She has not kept quiet about how happy she is that Colton is going to be free from Elizabeth. I was a little disappointed that she kept quiet at the house though. I was kind of looking forward to her finally telling Elizabeth off, but she told me she didn’t want to make things harder for Colton. Which I can respect.

“I know that. I know I need to divorce her, hell Iwantto divorce her. I just don’t want to listen to Dad. And I sure as shit don’t want to listen to Eleanor. She has no place to tell me what to do with my life, at all. She is as bad as Elizabeth.” He drops his head to his hands.

I feel awful for him.

I can’t believe our father is on Colton to take Elizabeth back. I mean I can believe it. It just infuriates me to no end.

I give it two days before he’s calling me and telling me to fix the situation. Like I’m going to ever take Elizabeth’s side or try and protect our family from such public messes as he has been reminding me we’ve created for the West name.

“Just ignore them all, block their numbers. You don’t need Dad. Do you think Elizabeth got served with the divorce papers or is she just mad you left officially today?” I ask.

“Oh, she definitely got them. That lawyer Scarlett got me is efficient. She made sure they were served today at the same time I was leaving. I should have recorded her reaction when I got in the truck and she was simultaneously served divorce papers.” A sly smile spreads across his face.

“Now that is something I would like to see. I am glad she’s working out for you. Did she say that you could list the house for sale?” Scarlett asks.

Scarlett is all for Elizabeth losing everything. Some people might think she’s vindictive, but really Elizabeth deserves everything Scarlett wants to happen.

“The lawyer says we need her to agree or for the judge to sign off on it. So, unfortunately, not until the judge signs off because we all know Elizabeth won’t agree to anything.” He shrugs.

“Of course not.” Scarlett scoffs.

We end the night with a fire in the fire pit and Scarlett nodding off on a blanket with Duke. When I try to wake her up and get her into bed she insists on going home for Lacey's arrival tomorrow.

I’m happy for her and her sister. But I hate not falling asleep with her next to me. Or waking up with her next to me. It makes me feel incomplete. One day Scarlett will be home in my house. And hopefully that day is soon.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Ithasbeenalmosta month since the charity dinner. Preston’s father has called him at least once a day to berate him about the charity event and about Colton coming home to Elizabeth.

She has been trying to use Dr. West to get Colton back, much to Dr. West’s dismay. He doesn’t want a scene, but he also wants nothing to do with Elizabeth. Not that I can blame him on the latter.

Elizabeth got served papers for divorce yesterday. Colton’s lawyer thinks that they can get everything he wants, which mostly is his money and his business. He could care less about the house or anything in it. The prenup doesn’t hurt his case either. Thank God they never had kids.

On a much different note, Niles has been texting me non-stop about coming back to work for him. Apparently, after seeing me he has had a change of heart. More like he’s seen that a member of the West family hired me instead of him and he wants that business.

When I had my meeting with Donna Edwards, Colton’s lawyer, I learned that a majority of my previous clients aren’t happy with their new team from Niles. Shocker that Jameson doesn’t do his damn job.

She was more than happy to tell them I am on my own. They asked her for my information so they could make the switch when their contracts with Niles were up. I just have to hope they will all reach out. Once Niles learns that he’s already lost one client to me I don’t put anything past him to get the others to stay. Luckily it sounds like most of them don’t trust him.

My mom walks into the living room with a coffee from the diner, and I jump up to hug her for bringing caffeine. “Hey mom. Thanks for the coffee, I was just thinking that I needed some.”