Preston pulls me in by my waist. “You are nothing short of amazing.” He nuzzles into my neck, placing kisses along my collarbone. “I am happy to help my brother, but I can’t say the same about losing the opportunity to rip this dress off you.”
I shiver beneath his words. “There’s always another time, but you only get one chance to help your brother tonight, take it from me, don’t waste it.”
Preston nods because he knows that I have that knowledge from experience. I will never regret helping my family or put something else before them again. Nothing is more important than the ones you love.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Iwakeuptopounding on the door. Angry pounding.
It takes me a minute to get my bearings as to where I am. I look around and see Colton and Scarlett looking at me just as bewildered.
“I guess I’ll go see who it is.” I throw the covers off me.
I head to the door and look out the peephole.
Elizabeth. Of course.
I open the door and see a red faced, but perfectly put together Elizabeth. As if her life wasn’t just turned upside down last night. She tries to push through the door, but I stand firm blocking her.
“Let me in, Preston. I know my husband is here.” She demands.
“Well, you’re wrong. Your almostex-husband isn’t with us,” I lie through my teeth hoping she’ll believe me.
“He has to be with you. He didn’t come home last night.” She looks perplexed that my brother hadn’t gone home to her last night. My hatred of her just continues to grow with every word she speaks.
“I don’t know, Elizabeth, maybe he took one from your playbook and found another woman to go home with to fuck.”
“Preston West! Do not be so crude!” She crosses her arms and stares, trying to intimidate me into giving her information. It was then I feel Scarlett’s arms come around my waist. Of course she was coming to my rescue with my shitty family.
“Darling, if you don’t mind Preston and I are trying to enjoy our hotel room. You know how fun they can be, don’t you?” On a smirk Scarlett shuts the door in Elizabeth’s face. I would give all the money in the world to see the look on Elizabeth’s face when she realized what just happened.
Colton is grinning like a Cheshire cat on his bed. He’s hurt but even he can’t deny that was the most amazing thing anyone has done for us. “What I wouldn’t give to see her face right now.” He burst out in a full blown belly laugh.
“Well, since we’re up, does anyone want breakfast from room service?” I am starving since we skipped dinner and had beer instead in the lounge.
“Bacon?” Scarlett laughs at Colton’s request. I think she is finally accepting that bacon should be at every meal.
We place our orders and get ready to face the day.
“So, Colton, what is the plan now?” I ask, trying to set up a table on the small desk.
“I was thinking maybe you guys could come with me today to grab some of my more important, valuable items? Then I need some time to wrap things up at work and get ready to move everything more towards New Hampshire, that is if Preston will still have me. I’ve already been doing some of the work knowing what was coming, but my foreman needs some time to get used to running things with me virtually.” You can see he’s running through a mental list in his head.
“I know this is a dumb question, but she doesn’t seem like one to take no for an answer, and to be honest, I don’t know your feelings towards her too much. Are you going to really divorce her?” Scarlett asks.
I can tell she’s worried he won’t leave if Elizabeth gets the opportunity to have him alone. I don’t blame her, that woman is pro at manipulating feelings, and getting what she wants. She did that to us.
“I will. We have a pretty solid prenup that my dad had drawn up. I read it over last week in preparation for what I might find tonight. It has a very clear infidelity clause that’s why I was so hell bent on getting actual evidence. But I still need a very good lawyer. She’s not going to go easy.” At least he knows that.
“Well, if you need the help let me know, I have a few connections from my clients in Boston. One is a shark of a divorce lawyer.” Scarlett reaches out to touch his arm in comfort.
“Uh, yeah that would be awesome. I need one who isn’t going to spare her feelings, or bow to her manipulation.” He squeezes her hand and walks over to the window.
Scarlett goes into her phone and jots down a name and number for Colton then texts the lawyer for him to let them know who he is.
Once we finish breakfast, we get a game plan together and head to Colton’s house. We know that Elizabeth will start some shit when we all show up. Colton decides to go home first and we meet him an hour after he arrives.