Page 37 of Everything I Need

As soon as Elizabeth is out of sight, Colton shakes his head and chugs his drink. Right, I need to be there for him too. I can see Scarlett from the bar. I caught her eye and pointed to Colt and the beer in my hand. She nods. Scarlett is something else, and I’m a lucky bastard.

“Hey, let’s go grab another.” I motion him with my beer.

“What am I going to do, Preston?” Colton doesn’t follow me right away.

“I think you need to let her go, man. You need to just walk away.” I come back and place my hand on his shoulder.

“You’re right. But she’ll get everything. I need proof of her cheating, or she’ll get all the money I worked so hard for while she sat at home screwing other guys and not giving me the time of day. Our prenup only covers the family money, and has an infidelity clause for the money I made after I built my business.”

“We will get it. Did you see that stunt Scarlett pulled? She’s just as invested in helping you. She’ll know a way.” I nudge him with my elbow and we start walking to the bar again.

“I hope you’re right. I can’t lose that much money. I’d go out of business.” He mumbles.

We grab a couple more beers and a wine for Scarlett before Elizabeth shows back up, acting like she’s never been more in love with Colton. I want to scream at her right there for treating my brother this way. It would be so nice to finally tell her off.

I have kept my feelings to myself since they got married. I told Colton everything she did to Scarlett and I before he chose to marry her. Our father was pushing Colton hard, and I think for a time, Elizabeth maybe loved my brother as much as she could love another person. But deep down, the evil woman she was with Scarlett is her true personality.

I feel Scarlett before I hear her. I can’t explain that part but it’s like my body is aware of her existence at all times. She slides her hand into mine and leans up to kiss my cheek like she does.

She whispers in my ear, “I’m so sorry. I just wanted to see Elizabeth’s reaction.”

I look at her and smile, then kiss her gently on her forehead. I know that. But it’s nice that she reassures me about her plan. Unfortunately, her plan worked too well and she is now on the receiving end of Elizabeth’s wrath.

“Did you have a nice dance with Caleb? It was quite rude of you to leave Preston to go dance with another man.” She hisses out at Scarlett.

Oh, that’s rich coming from her. Maybe since she thinks she is hiding it, she feels that her affair doesn’t count somehow.

“It was lovely, and Preston was fine with it. I was never out of his sight and he knows I only have eyes for him. You looked quite bothered though, is there history there?” Scarlett slyly slips in a question about her reaction.

Colton almost spit his beer all over the top of Elizabeth’s head.

“Pardon me?” She says as if she's offended. “I have no feelings about your dance with Caleb. Only concern for Preston here.”

Elizabeth is trying hard to reign in her emotions. She is starting to see she’s only a notch in Caleb’s belt. She is smart, in a manipulative way, so maybe she’s catching on to Scarlett’s motives with Caleb.

“Oh, I’m so glad. I’ve agreed to have a drink later after the dinner with Caleb and I’d surely hoped I wasn’t stepping on your toes.” Scarlett replies sweetly. Damn, this woman should go into acting.

Elizabeth’s voice gets so high pitched it could shatter glass. Colton removes her hand from his arm, “Of course not! A drink. That sounds like. . . a . . . a. . .wonderful time. Excuse me, I need to visit the ladies room.”

As she stomps off Scarlett looks so pleased with herself. “Excuse me boys, I think I also need the ladies room.” With a wink Scarlett takes off behind Elizabeth.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Iknewit. She wasn’t going to the restroom. That lying bitch, she was storming off to find Caleb.

Time to catch this cheater.I hide by blending in with a group looking for their seating cards. Elizabeth doesn’t even try to hide her tiff with Caleb. I get out my phone and start filming the show, discreetly of course. Colton is going to get his proof so he can go off and live the life he deserves without her.

“Are you serious? You just had to dance with HER in front of me? And a drink later! You promised to take ME later. Me, Caleb. That hotel room is for us, not you and her!” Elizabeth seethes.

“You came with yourhusband. Remember him? How exactly were you planning on getting away from him, Elizabeth? You think he isn’t going to notice his wife doesn’t go home with him?” Caleb has a valid point.

“Colton is too dumb to notice. You know that. He’s got the West name and that’s it. I could sneak away with you and still make it back in time to go home with him. He always drinks too much to deal with his father. But you know this; it's how we started, so why her?”Ugh, fuck her.Colton is too good for her.

“I’m not attached to you, Elizabeth. I can see, and do, whoever I want to. And, in case you haven’t looked at Scarlett, I’d be dumb to ignore that piece of ass.”Gross.

“Screw you, Caleb.” She slaps him in the face.