Duke just stares at me. With his leash in his mouth.
“Alright, alright, let’s go. You want to go run in the flowers?”
Duke is nothing if not persistent. He loves his evening walks in the wildflowers. Or he just loves to tramp through a wildflower field and look for rabbits to chase.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t bringing him in hopes of seeing a certain beautiful woman there. She hasn’t responded to my text, so I have no idea what she is thinking yet. Maybe the walk with Duke will distract me from checking my phone every thirty seconds.
Chapter Ten
“Mom,whatdidyousay to Preston?!” I try to curb my anger but I don’t think I’m doing a good job. I take a deep breath in, and let it out slowly, trying to calm myself down.
“Scarlett. Don’t you talk to me like that. I did what I had to do to make my girl happy.” She points her finger at me.
“Make me happy? Mom, all this did was open something I don’t want open! I work for him now. The other day was fine. We were fine! Now he wants to have dinner with me and talk. A whole night spent with him one on one. Nothing about work, just about us and our past.” I rub my temples.
“Exactly, Scarlett. You two need to clear the air. I’m glad he took my advice.” She continues to wipe down the kitchen counter like this isn’t some major life event for me.
“No, Mom. I need a job. Not a relationship. You know what, I’m going to say something I regret. I’m going for a hike.” I could just scream. I know she’s doing it because she wants me to be happy, but I am happy. I think.
Storming out of the house, I set off to my favorite path. I’ve been avoiding it since seeing Preston there, but I need the clarity and the wildflower field is my happy place where that can happen.
I feel bad for being mad at mom, but this is something she needs to leave alone. I do not need to make things right to restart a relationship. I do not need a relationship, even if he is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, and the only man to ever understand me, and love me for who I am.
I used to think he knew me better than anyone. We used to balance each other out perfectly. After what happened, I’m not sure anymore. I never thought he would allow that to happen. Though heisreminding me of his old self again and not making it easy for me to keep my feelings neutral and professional. I need this job. I need it to go well. I need Preston to refer me to his friends. That's it.
No relationship. Especially with Preston. No matter how much my body, and my heart, protest.
As I near my wildflower field, which I now know is Preston’s wildflower field, I hesitate. Stopping my run. I can hear Duke barking. As I round the corner, there he is, stomping and rolling through the field. Flowers sticking to his fur. I can’t help it. He’s so goofy, a chuckle escapes and a smile spreads.
A deep voice comes from behind me.
“He has that effect on people you know. Thawing even the coldest hearts.” I turn to face Preston.
“I’m sorry? Coldest hearts? I think my heart is plenty warm, thanks.” I put my hands on my hips.
“I didn’t mean to insult you. It was a stupid saying. I’m sorry. I can’t help but put my foot in my mouth when I’m around you.” He hangs his head and kicks at a rock.
“Well, that’s obvious. You’re just lucky that Duke is so cute. He’s your only redeeming quality.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.
“Oh, is that so? That’s the only redeeming quality about me? My dog?” He steps much too close to me. Closer than I can control myself around him.
Another step. Oh. My. God. He's so close. I can smell his woodsy cologne. Actually, it's just infiltrating my nose on its own accord, not giving me a choice.
“I mean, well, maybe you. . .”Jeez Scarlett, words are needed here.
Luckily, Duke chooses this moment to realize I’m in the field with him, and unfortunately for me, he doesn’t know how to stop when he runs that fast. I feel the ground slam into me before I even know that Duke has taken me out. Then I register the heavy weight on top of me.
Opening my eyes, I’m looking straight into Preston’s. His arms, still wrapped around my waist, and my heart beating a million miles a minute.
Before I can think about it too hard, Preston’s lips touch mine. Soft at first, but when I choose to let the kiss happen something shifts and he deepens the kiss.
Thankfully, Duke joins in, jumping on us, covering our faces in his own kisses. His outburst brings us both back to the real world. Laughing, I rub Duke’s ears and let him cover my face in puppy kisses. I’m hoping it would hide the blush on my cheeks, and give me a moment to get things straight.
“Hey, Duke, you’re having fun aren’t ya?”
I get my answer as he runs off through the flowers, tongue waving in the breeze. I didn’t think this field could bring anyone as much joy as me, but I was wrong.