“Well, that’s great for you in court. One of my student’s dad is a lawyer in Maine. I bet he could help you.” Leave it to Addy. She always has a parent that does something to help you, and being the amazing teacher she is, they are always willing to help for Addy.
“Thanks Addy, but I found the best of the best in Portland. I’m ashamed to admit that Mom is going to help me with the money upfront until I can sell the salon officially.” She hangs her head, “But anyways, I confronted Michael. Told him to go live with this woman, and I would grant him whatever he wanted as long as he did in fact sign over his rights to Oliver. I did struggle with that last part though.”
“Right, because he is Oliver’s dad.” I had sympathy for her on that, Addy wouldn’t, but I did. I could understand Lacey’s thinking on that.
“Right. But when he didn’t even hesitate to agree, and Oliver started telling me how mean Daddy was, I was done caring. We need to be free of him. So I told him I’d take Oliver to Mom’s one weekend soon and he should use that weekend to move out. I’m going to tell Oliver tomorrow and I’m hoping you guys can all help me talk to Oliver.”
“You know we’ll be there.” Addy nods her head in agreement with me.
“Will you? I would really appreciate that. I want Oliver to see as many people who can support him as possible.” Her tears start again.
“Of course. Scarlett and I will always be there for you, Lacey. You know that.”
After Lacey’s story we can tell she needs a moment to herself. Lacey goes off to shower, and I want to go call Preston before bed.
I also need to figure out how I am going to tell him how I feel. Now that I have made my mind up about everything, I want to deal with Niles, and then finally open up to Preston fully. But dealing with Niles will have to come first.
Me:Niles, we need a meeting. As soon as possible please.
There. No turning back now.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
WakingupwithScarlettin my arms is something I can’t imagine ever going without again. She looks so peaceful when she’s asleep. I lean down and kiss her forehead and whisper that I love her. I've been doing this for a few days now. Ever since I woke up without her after Lacey was in town. So far, she’s always been asleep and never heard me, but when she’s awake I just can’t gather the courage to tell her because I am still worried she will bolt in fear. She’s been a little quiet lately and I can’t figure out why.
Over breakfast she seems unusually quiet, staring off into space.
“Hey, everything okay?” I ask, concerned that she might start pulling away.
“Oh yes, sorry. Just thinking.” She seems to snap back to reality. “I have to go to Boston Thursday to meet with my old boss, Niles.”
I hate that guy. More than Caleb. “Oh, you do, for what? Want me to come with you? I could rearrange some appointments.”
“I appreciate it but I’m okay. I’m going to go down Wednesday and get a hotel room. Addy is going to come and we’re going to spend some time together in the city. I’ll be back Thursday, and I wouldn’t want you to lose business over me.” She skillfully leaves out the reason she’s going to meet with her asshole ex-boss.
“Oh, okay. Well, if you change your mind just let me know.” That is odd. Somehow, I expected her to be happy that I offered to come with her to Boston. But it seems she’s had these plans for a while if Addy is going.
“I will. I’m really sorry but I’ve got to go back to Mom’s. Lacey is telling Oliver about the divorce today, and explaining, delicately, about Michael not wanting to be in his life.”
“Oh right, good luck with that. If you guys need anything after, let me know. Colton and I could be there as male counterparts if the little guy needs some boy time after that.” Colton and I had gotten to spend some time with Oliver over the last few days and he is a great kid.
“Thanks, babe. I . . . I’ll let you know.” She stutters.
Hmm, that was weird. That wasn’t what she was going to say. Was she going to say she loves me? While I was lost in thought she’s already disappeared to the shower, and I am not about to miss that opportunity.
I open the door and find Scarlett already in the shower.
“I’d hope you had picked up on where I went.” She smiles, “Although, it did take you longer than I expected.”
“I’ll always find you, Scarlett.” I get in the shower behind her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her to me.
I take the soap from her hands and begin washing her beautiful body. As my hand skims over her nipples, she lets out a soft moan. I travel down her stomach, making sure I get every inch of her soft skin. As I reach her hips, I gently bend her at the waist.
As I slide my cock in, she moans my name. I lean down to place soft kisses over her neck as I move in and out slowly.
“Preston, please, faster.” She begs.