Zora squealed in delight while Mila’s face softened into a genuine smile. “Well,” Mila said, squeezing Venus’s hand, “I suppose we can’t complain about that political marriage anymore, can we? Just promise me one thing – no more getting kidnapped by alien crime lords. My heart can’t take it.”

“I make no promises,” Venus winked. “But I’ll try to keep the interplanetary incidents to a minimum. For your sake, of course.”

After a hearty meal with her sisters and another round of advanced medical treatment that left her skin tingling with residual energy, Venus felt almost back to her old self. She was just considering a nap when a familiar figure appeared in the doorway.

Azlun entered, his arms laden with an assortment of alien flowers that seemed to glow and shift colors in the light, and what looked suspiciously like contraband snacks from Earth.“I come bearing gifts,” he announced, his eyes never leaving Venus’s face. “I hope you’re in the mood for some highly illegal Earth chocolates and flowers that may or may not be sentient.”

“My hero,” Venus drawled, but her sarcasm couldn’t hide the fondness in her voice or the way her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. “Risking intergalactic incident for my sweet tooth? You really know how to make a girl feel special.”

Azlun carefully arranged the flowers beside her bed, then perched on its edge, reaching out to take her hand. His touch sent a warmth spreading through her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his thumb tracing gentle circles on her skin. “And don’t even think about saying you’re fine. I want the truth, Venus.”

Venus softened under his gaze, allowing herself a moment of vulnerability. “Honestly? I’m tired. Sore. A little shaken.” She squeezed his hand. “But I’m okay. Really. Especially now that you’re here.”

Azlun brought her hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “I thought I’d lost you,” he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. “When I couldn’t find you... Venus, I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

Venus reached up with her free hand, cupping his cheek. “Hey,” she said softly, “you can’t get rid of me that easily. It’ll take more than a few alien kidnappers to keep me away from you.”

Azlun leaned into her touch, turning his head to press a kiss to her palm. “I love you,” he said, his eyes blazing with intensity. “I know it’s fast, and maybe it’s crazy, but I love you, Venus Arison. More than I ever thought possible.”

Her heart swelled, a smile spreading across her face. “Well, that’s convenient,” she quipped, though her voice was thick with emotion. “Because I happen to love you too, Azlun Tharvis. Even if you are an alien prince with a penchant for dramatic rescues.”

Azlun laughed, the sound rich and warm, before leaning in to capture her lips in a kiss that made Venus’s toes curl. It was soft and sweet and full of promise.

A soft knock at the door interrupted the moment. Queen Erida entered, her regal presence filling the room. Her eyes twinkled as she took in their joined hands and Venus’s slightly flushed cheeks. “I hope I’m not interrupting,” she said, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

“Not at all, Mother,” Azlun said, rising to his feet but keeping hold of Venus’s hand. Venus felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. It was one thing to face down alien kidnappers, but her future mother-in-law? That was a whole new level of terrifying.

The queen approached Venus’s bedside, her expression warm. “I’m so relieved to see you recovering, my dear. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my son so concerned about anyone. He was like a Tharvisian storm beast with a thorn in its paw – all growls and pacing.”

Venus felt a blush creep up her cheeks, but she couldn’t help her smile. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I’m feeling much better. Your medical technology is... quite something.”

Queen Erida settled into a chair, her gaze thoughtful. “You know, Venus, a royal marriage is no easy task. It requires honesty, partnership, and being there for each other through all of life’s challenges.” Her eyes flicked to Azlun, then back to Venus. “But when it’s built on love... well, it can withstand anything. Even kidnappings by aliens.”

Venus felt Azlun’s hand tighten on hers. She met the queen’s gaze steadily, chin lifted in determination. “I understand, Your Majesty. And I’m ready for whatever challenges come our way. As long as Azlun’s by my side, I feel like we can face anything.”

The queen’s eyes softened, and a smile graced her lips. “Tell me, Venus,” she said gently, “do you love my son? Truly?”

Venus didn’t hesitate. She looked at Azlun, seeing the love and hope shining in his eyes, then back to the queen. “Yes,” she said simply, her voice filled with certainty. “I do. More than I ever thought possible.”

The queen’s face broke into a radiant smile. “Then let me be the first to welcome you to our family, my daughter.” She rose, enveloping Venus in a warm embrace. “And may the stars help us all,” she added with a chuckle. “I have a feeling life around here is about to get much more interesting with you in it.”

As the queen released her, Venus caught Azlun’s eye over her shoulder. The love and pride shining in his gaze made her heart swell. She’d come to Tharvis expecting a terrible future, but she’d found so much more. She’d found love, family, and a sense of belonging she’d never expected.

“Well,” Venus said, a mischievous glint in her eye, “I do aim to keep things exciting. Can’t have the royal family getting bored, now, can we?”

Azlun groaned good-naturedly, but his eyes danced with amusement. “The universe isn’t ready for you, my love.”

Venus grinned, intertwining her fingers with his. “Good thing you are, then.”


Venus stretched her arms above her head, relishing the satisfying pop of her joints as she worked out the last bits of stiffness. The Tharvisian sun streamed through the ornate windows, bathing her in warmth. After days of being cooped up in the medical bay, her body hummed with pent-up energy.

“I’m going for a run,” she announced to Mila, who was lounging on a nearby chaise, scrolling through a holographic display. “Want to join me? I promise not to leave you in the dust... much.”

Mila’s eyes lit up, a competitive gleam sparking to life. “Oh, it’s on, sis. Zora and I will be right behind you. Try not to trip over your own feet in your rush to ‘not leave us in the dust.’”

Venus grinned, already backing toward the door. “Big talk for someone still lounging. See you out there, slowpoke!”