“And what about Venus?” he asked, unable to keep the edge from his voice.
Nyrea’s smile turned cruel. “That little Earth girl? Please, Azlun. She’s a passing fancy, nothing more. She could never understand our world, our responsibilities. But if you’re so concerned...” She trailed off, her implication clear.
White-hot anger surged through Azlun. “Are you threatening her?” he growled, his hand instinctively moving to where his weapon would be.
Nyrea laughed, the sound sending chills down his spine. “Threatening? Oh no, my dear. I’m simply stating facts. Choose wisely, Azlun. Or you may lose everything—your precious Venus, the alliance, perhaps even your claim to the Tharvian throne. After all, who would trust a prince who abandons his duties for a human girl?”
The court around them faded away as Azlun stared at Nyrea, truly seeing her for the first time. This wasn’t the woman he’d once known—or thought he’d known. This was a creature of ambition and cruelty, willing to destroy anyone who stood in her way.
“No,” he said, his voice ringing out clear and firm. The court fell silent, all eyes fixed on them.
“What did you say?” Nyrea hissed, her composure cracking.
Azlun straightened to his full height, looking down at Nyrea with a mixture of pity and disdain. “I said no, Nyrea. There is no future for us. My heart belongs to Venus, and nothing you do will change that.” His voice grew louder, ensuring every person in the court heard his next words. “I reject your offer of alliance. I reject your threats. And I rejectyou.”
Gasps echoed through the hall. Nyrea’s face contorted with rage before she schooled her features into a mask of icy calm. “You’ll regret this,” she whispered, venom dripping from every word.
As Nyrea stormed away, Azlun felt a moment of triumph. But it was short-lived. He’d made his stand, but Venus was stillhidden away somewhere in this labyrinthine palace. He needed to find her, and fast.
Azlun moved through the palace corridors, checking every room he could access. But at every turn, he was met with locked doors or empty chambers. Frustration mounted as he realized Nyrea’s game—she was always one step ahead, moving Venus just out of reach.
“Where is she?” he growled, slamming his fist against a wall. The pain barely registered through his growing panic.
A soft voice came from behind him. “I’m not sure, but she’s somewhere in the castle.”
He whirled around to find Amari, his trusted diplomat and friend. Her dark green eyes were filled with concern.
“Where?” Azlun demanded.
Amari glanced around before leaning in close. “Nyrea’s had her moved to keep you from being able to find her.”
Azlun’s blood ran cold. “We need to find her. Now.”
As they hurried through the palace, formulating a plan, Azlun overheard a conversation that made his heart stop.
“...must be dealt with immediately,” Nyrea’s voice drifted from around a corner. “The human girl is a liability. As long as she lives, Azlun will never?—”
Azlun’s vision went red. Without thinking, he stormed around the corner, coming face to face with a startled Nyrea and her advisors.
“If you so much as touch a hair on her head,” he snarled, his voice low and dangerous, “I will bring the full might of Tharvis down upon you. Your planet, your family, everything you hold dear—it will all burn.”
Nyrea’s eyes widened in genuine fear for a moment before narrowing in defiance. “You wouldn’t dare. The political fallout?—”
“Try me,” Azlun cut her off. “You’ve already lost me as a friend, Nyrea. Don’t make me your enemy.”
With that, he turned on his heel and strode away, leaving a stunned Nyrea in his wake. His mind was made up. Diplomacy be damned—he would tear this planet apart if that’s what it took to find Venus.
As he rejoined Amari, his voice was steel. “Do you have your comm with you?”
She shook her head. “You know how they are. I had to leave it on my ship.”
“Go back. Contact Dravek and Garek. We’re getting Venus out of here tonight, no matter the cost.”
Amari nodded, a fierce light in her eyes. “I’ve already arranged for a ship. It’s small, but it should get you both off-planet without attracting too much attention.”
“Good,” Azlun said. “Because after tonight, I don’t think we’ll be welcome here anymore.”