The moment his hand closed around her arm, Venus sprang into action. She twisted, breaking his grip, and lashed out with a vicious right hook. Her fist connected with his jaw, knocking his hood loose.

“I’m not going to be someone’s property!” she snarled, readying another strike. “I don’t care how much you pay!”

But as she pulled back for another punch, the man caught her wrist. His grip was firm but gentle, and he pulled her close, his lips brushing her ear.

“It’s me, Venus. Azlun.”

Venus froze, her mind reeling. She stared up into familiar eyes, now visible without the hood. Relief flooded through her, so intense it made her knees weak.

“Azlun?” she whispered, hardly daring to believe it. Her voice cracked with emotion. “You came for me?”

Azlun’s eyes softened. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”

Before Venus could respond, an enraged roar cut through the market. The alien king who had lost the bid was on his feet, face contorted with fury.

“This is an outrage!” he bellowed, slamming a meaty fist on a nearby table. “I refuse to be outbid by some cloaked vagrant! The human female is mine!”

His guards stepped forward, weapons drawn. Azlun pushed Venus behind him, his body tense and ready for action.

“We need to move,” he muttered. “Now. Stay close to me.”

Venus nodded, her mind already shifting to escape mode. “There’s a service corridor behind the third stall to our left. Looks less guarded.”

Azlun’s eyebrows raised slightly, impressed. “Good eye. On my mark, we make a run for it.”

As if on cue, the first guard lunged forward. Azlun met him head-on, his movements fluid and precise. Venus didn’t hesitate. She ducked under a swing from another guard, using her momentum to drive her elbow into his solar plexus.

“Azlun, duck!” she shouted, grabbing a nearby chair and swinging it over his head as he dropped down. The chair connected with an approaching alien, sending him sprawling.

Side by side, Venus and Azlun fought their way through the throng. Venus marveled at how naturally they moved together, anticipating each other’s actions without a word. Azlun took a few hits, earning cuts and bruises, but he never slowed down.

“Behind you!” Azlun called out. Venus spun, narrowly avoiding a blow from a hulking brute. She used his momentum against him, redirecting his punch into another attacker.

“Thanks for the heads up,” she grinned, a rush of exhilaration flowing through her despite the danger.

As they battled, Venus caught glimpses of Azlun’s face. His jaw was set in determination, his eyes fierce. This wasn’t the suave, diplomatic prince she’d danced with at the wedding. This was a warrior fighting for her.

The realization sent a jolt through her. He didn’t have to come. He could have sent guards, or simply left her to her fate. But he was here, risking everything.

They finally broke free of the main crowd, sprinting down twisting corridors. Azlun’s hand found hers, guiding her through the labyrinthine market. His grip was strong, reassuring. Venus found herself holding on just as tightly.

“Left here,” Venus gasped, recognizing a marking she’d spotted earlier. “Should lead to a maintenance shaft.”

Azlun nodded, trusting her judgment without hesitation. They rounded the corner and found the narrow opening Venus had mentioned.

“Ladies first,” Azlun said with a wry smile, keeping watch as Venus climbed in.

They crawled through the tight space, the sounds of pursuit growing fainter. After what felt like an eternity, they emerged into a dimly lit alley, both breathing hard. The alien market hummed in the background, but for now, they were hidden from view.

Venus looked at Azlun, really looked at him. His disguise was ragged, his face smudged with dirt and blood from a cut on his cheek. But his eyes... his eyes were fixed on her, filled with concern and something else. Something that made her heart skip a beat.

“You really came for me,” she said softly, still hardly believing it. Her hand reached out, almost of its own accord, to gently touch the cut on his cheek. “You’re hurt.”

Azlun leaned into her touch, his expression softening. “It’s nothing. I couldn’t leave you here, Venus. The thought of you in danger...” He trailed off, swallowing hard. “I couldn’t bear it.”

The sincerity in his voice broke something open inside Venus. The walls she’d built, the suspicion and wariness she’d held onto... crumbled.

“Thank you,” she whispered, meaning it more than she’d ever meant anything in her life. Tears pricked at her eyes, and for once, she didn’t try to hold them back. “I thought... I was afraid no one would come.”