The grand hall of the Tharvian royal palace pulsed with an otherworldly energy. Iridescent flowers cascaded from towering crystal vases, their petals shimmering with an inner light that seemed to dance in time with the ethereal music floating through the air.

Venus Arison stood at the edge of the crowd, her fingers curled around a flute of effervescent alien champagne, its pearlescent bubbles glowing softly in the warm light of floating orbs above.

She watched as her sister Raelee, now Princess Raelee of Tharvis, twirled across the dance floor in the arms of her new husband, Prince Vexor. Raelee’s laugh, clear and joyous, rang out above the murmur of the guests.

“Well, one of us had to take one for the team,” a dry voice said beside her. Venus turned to see her younger sister, Mila, sidling up next to her. Mila’s dark hair was pulled back in a severe bun, her blue eyes sharp as they scanned the room.

Venus snorted, raising an eyebrow. “Says the one who conveniently developed an allergy to all things alien.”

“Hey, some of us have important work to do back on Earth,” Mila retorted, but there was a glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

From Venus’s other side came a dreamy sigh. “Oh, come on, you two. It’s beautiful.” Zora, the youngest of the Arison sisters, gazed at the newlyweds with a wistful expression. “Raelee looks so happy.”

“She’s good at faking it,” Mila muttered, earning her an elbow in the ribs from Venus.

“Be nice,” Venus chided, though she couldn’t help but wonder if Mila had a point. Was Raelee truly happy or was this all an elaborate performance for the sake of intergalactic diplomacy?

As if sensing her sisters’ scrutiny, Raelee looked up, catching Venus’s eye. She beamed, beckoning them over with a tilt of her head.

Venus sighed, downing the last of her champagne. “Duty calls, ladies. Try not to start an intergalactic incident while I’m gone.”

She made her way across the room, weaving between clusters of human diplomats and towering alien dignitaries. As she approached the newlyweds, Raelee broke away from her husband, enveloping Venus in a tight hug.

“Can you believe it?” Raelee whispered, her eyes shining. “I’m a princess of an alien planet. Dad’s going to have a field day with this in the polls.”

Venus couldn’t help but laugh. Leave it to Raelee to be thinking about approval ratings on her wedding day. “You look happy, Rae. Are you? Really?”

Raelee’s smile softened, becoming something more genuine. “I am. Vex is... he’s not what I expected. He’s kind and funny in this dry way that catches you off guard. And have you seen those abs? Alien genetics are no joke.”

“TMI, sis,” Venus groaned, but she was grinning. It was a relief to see this side of Raelee, the part of her that wasn’t all polished diplomacy and careful words.

“Speaking of alien genetics,” Raelee said, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “have you met Azlun yet?”

Venus felt a flutter in her stomach at the mention of the Tharvian prince. “Not officially,” she admitted.

“Oh, you’re in for a treat,” Raelee said with a wink. “In fact...” She turned, scanning the crowd before raising her hand in an elegant wave. “Azlun! Come meet my sister!”

Venus’s heart leaped into her throat as a tall figure detached itself from a nearby group and made its way toward them. Prince Azlun moved with a fluid grace that seemed at odds with his imposing physique. As he drew closer, Venus found herself captivated by his eyes – black as the deepest space with flecks of gold that seemed to dance in the light.

“Your Highness,” Azlun said, bowing slightly to Raelee before turning his gaze to Venus. “And you must be the infamous Venus Arison. I’ve heard... interesting things about you.”

Venus raised an eyebrow, fighting to keep her expression neutral despite the way her pulse quickened under his scrutiny. “All good things, I hope?”

A smile played on the corners of Azlun’s mouth. “That depends on your definition of ‘good’, I suppose. I hear you have quite the rebellious streak.”

“I prefer to think of it as a healthy disregard for unnecessary rules,” Venus shot back, surprised by her own boldness.

Azlun’s smile widened into a grin that was positively wicked. “Is that so? And what, pray tell, do you consider an unnecessary rule?”

Venus was saved from having to answer by Raelee, who cleared her throat pointedly. “Well, I’ll leave you two to getacquainted,” she said, her tone far too innocent to be believed. “My husband owes me another dance.”

As Raelee glided away, Venus found herself alone with Azlun, acutely aware of the electricity crackling in the air between them.

The alien music swelled, a haunting melody that seemed to weave through the air like gossamer threads. Azlun’s eyes locked onto Venus’s. His lips curved into a smile that was equal parts charming and challenging.

“So,” he said, his voice low and rich like velvet sliding over skin, “shall we dance? Or would that fall under the category of unnecessary rules?”