I use more white strips of bridal gown around his ribs and beautiful abs. He will not bleed out on my watch. No way.
“Okay.” I smile reassuringly. “We’re CPRing again.”
I do the chest presses but this time it’s my bare palms against his pecs and my hands feel really warm at the contact with his chest. And even though I haven’t even met my husband in person, I feel a little bit guilty. I’m feeling up his guard.
And I’m loving it.
“CPR?” he asks. Then tilts his head.
I think the fact that he’s not dying dawns on us both at the same time. “I guess you’re not unconscious,” I whisper, feeling foolish.
“Why do you keep listening to the wrong side of my chest? My heart is on the right,” he says.
I lean down to peer into his strange eyes. “Still don’t know what you’re saying. I guess I won’t know what Gyft says either.”
“Gyft,” he agrees, then starts to sit up.
Which is awkward because we bump foreheads and both groan.
He hisses with pain.
We’re close, very close together. “Sorry about that,” I whisper, trying not to notice that he smells like fresh rain and pine forests.
He reaches out to cup the back of my neck. His thumb runs along my jawline, and my pulse skitters. I tuck my face into his touch. Does he feel it too? This weird, breathless feeling between us? Maybe he’s captivated by my charms. Then his thumb comes up and...
Rubs harshly against my bottom lip.
He pulls his hand away and studies his stained thumb.
“Well, rude,” I snap, scrambling away. At least the black contouring I did on my cheeks probably hides the blush that’s heating my face. Ifeel like such a fool thinking he was having a moment crushing on me. He’s not the most attractive of species and sure, I was going to give him a freebie there—
But then I freeze. There’s no freebies. There’s no kissing, no flirting, no nothing. I’m married to this Gyft. His boss. It doesn’t matter that there’s a supernatural sexiness to his guard. His silver skin and kissable lips.
His undeniable sex appeal, like a mesmerizing... vamp.
“Emphra lishtaria?” he asks.
“No clue,” I say in my loudest voice, wondering why the hell we even speak.
Slowly he stands, then points toward the direction he wants to go. This time when he walks, he puts his hand on the small of my back. Maybe we’re feeling closer since I saved his life? Maybe his boss will let me stay away... as soon as I get away, that is. Maybe this guard will even look the other way, pretending he doesn’t know where I’ve disappeared to.
I’m going with that theory.
My guard leads me through the trees and when we get to a small lake, he heads that direction. But the strange purplish-blue sun—which is way too big—looks like it’s sinking down too close to the horizon. It might get dark and I won’t be able to navigate.
“Well, where are you going?” I snap. “I need to get to a town before dark so I can lose you and strike out on my own.”
He carefully unwinds one of the strips from his arm and holy mackerel. His arm—gone are the slash marks. He’s healed. He’s completely healed.
I nod knowingly, watching as he dips the cloth and wrings it out, then re-dips it. I figured it out. I know exactly what he is. I suspected before, but now I’m sure.
“Vampire,” I say accusingly. “Complete with fangs and pale skin before you feed.” Doesn’t matter that it’s slightly silvery-blue, slightlygreen. I knew it. My alien husband sent a real-life alien vampire to protect me. That’s what did the healing. He sucked the hellbeast’s blood and it healed him right up.
While he’s distracted washing the blood out of his fabric, I quickly tear another strip, a little thicker this time, and make myself a choker. I wrap it around my neck, tucking the end in.
I don’t need him tempted by the sweet throbbing of my tantalizing pulse. It probably calls to him. Surely he won’t be able to resist.
He turns, rubbing the fabric between his hands, and his eyes go there.