“I’m surprised that fool isn’t out there in the woods watching you like a lovesick pup.”
She laughs uproariously. “Nah, I was pretty serious when I said I needed space. Not sure what constitutes divorce on your planet, but he knew we were at that level.”
“You are?”
“Well, probably not. But he needs to think it.”
Skiden grins. “Payback’s a bitch. Now is my chance to counsel him. Make him fully aware of how badly he’s fucked up—for striking me and for running you off.”
“Don’t be too hard on him,” she says, defending him suddenly. “His heart’s in the right place.”
I start laughing. “He won’t be able to grump at me. Not when he’s sorry for my black eye.”
“I still can’t believe your dad caused that fight between you two.”
“He caused stuff all the time when we were growing up. We just didn’t realize it until we became grown males.”
“I probably shouldn’t have kissed you,” she says guiltily.
“Puhlease. It was fine. I had no idea my patron witnessed it, though, or I would have mentioned it to Bronan first.”
“I saw him at the edge of the trees. I didn’t know who he was. I thought he was just some lost man, minding his own business and skirting away from us. I wish I would have mentioned something.”
“You didn’t know. How could you? It was just unfortunate… but I guess it showed you the depth of Bronan’s feelings for you.”
“It did. I would never have put him through that had I known. What if I did pick up a male lover? I can’t stand to think that this whole time I was actually mated and could have cheated on my marriage. Mateship?”
“He would never have let it get that far. The entire clan knew they had to best him in thejavel’inkttrials to be interviewed for sponsor to your breeder. And our family knew it wasn’t a breeder relationship. We knew the two of you were mated.”
“Then why did Maman drag me down and parade me in front of the locals in the hot caves?”
“Maman wanted some companionship for those caves. Her sons showing up cramped her style. And maybe she wanted to stir things up with Bronan. She’s tired of waiting for grandkish, you know.”
“She’s as sneaky as her son,” Isabel says, smiling.
“You want to know the real reason why Maman became a breeder?” I ask.
“Sure,” Isabel says, leaning in for the gossip.
I wink. “She was a hussy.”
“Skiden!” She smacks my chest, which makes me bark out laughter.
When our laughter dies down, I think I hear something outside. I move to look at the front window, not wanting to alarm her, because it’s probably just the little house creaking from the rain coming and the fireplace warming up the inside.
There’s nothing out in the distance, though. And what do I think should be? I made sure Patron understood I wouldn’t put up with anything from him, and he’s the only one who would try to cause any trouble.
“I’m going to go find Bronan. Let him apologize to me.”
I grin when she smacks my chest again.
For the second time that night, I head back to the caverns. I don’t head into the main dwelling, but take the back way to head up the stairs to Bronan’s quarters.
I pound the door and wait patiently until it’s answered.
“Skiden?” Bronan’s face has paled to a dull gray, and he’s aged about a thousand years. I would never tell him he looks like our patron, though the thought runs across my mind.