Page 46 of The Monster's Mate

“I’ll go talk to her.”

“She’s scared, Sky. She told me she was afraid to be in a marriage—a mating—because her husband used to hit her. That was why she just wanted the freedom to be a breeder and by Bronan tricking her into mating him? It made her go a little crazy, wondering if she was manipulated by males again.”

I wince. Bronan really fucked this up. “Let me walk you home.”

She continues to babble all the way back to the village. “We haven’t seen Bronan since Isabel moved out. He’s been inside his house all day, and Wrombley won’t leave his side. I visited with Isabel, but even though she promised to give it some thought, I’m sure she intends to remain right there in that dreadful little cabin. There’s no way she can raise a baby in there and I’m afraid she’ll go home.”

River’s eyes fill with tears.


We both turn at Tiran’s voice.

“Skiden.” My brother crushes me in his embrace. “You little shit. We were so fucking worried.”

“I was fine. I’ve been on Earth, living with Isabel’s friend.”

He nods. “Mej and Kal told me after they got back. Said they thought you were interested in her, but hell, they’re both so melancholy themselves—”

I snort. “Because they’re just as interested in Lucy’s cousin.”

River gasps. “Lucy has a cousin?”

“Samantha. The limo driver. The one that introduced her and Isabel.”

Carefully, I push myself out of Tiran’s arms, trying not to say anything when his arms tighten. But then I can’t help myself. “Tir, control yourself.”

“Shut up. You worried us sick. And River likes when I show my emotions.”

Poor River nods eagerly.

“Are you going to see Bro?” Tiran scowls down at me, either at my snort because he’s suddenly using a pet name like the two grew closer without me here.

“I want to go see Isabel first. See if I can talk her into remembering the love for the big oaf.”

“Yes. Then go make up with him, Skiden. He hasn’t been the same since you left,” Tiran says.

I can’t help my grin.

“But wait. You’re both telling me my depressed, guilty brother was thinking about me the entire time he was impregnating his mate?”

And now Tiran snorts. “While I don’t condone violence—”

Both River and I start laughing at his ludicrous statement.

“—I can understand why he decked you.”

And this time, my guffaw is even louder as I hug him to me.

“She’s at the old storage hut,” Tiran whispers in my ear.

I nod, and push him aside to kiss the top of River’s head.

“Place falls apart without me. Let me go get Bel fixed, and then I’ll straighten out Bronan. Can I talk to you after?” I ask Tiran.

“I’ll be down in the main cave waiting.”

I head back down the path to get to where the hunters line the beach.