Page 43 of The Monster's Mate

“See? Perfect. We won’t arrive together but I’ll tail you in the shadows. Once you’re inside, is there a back door you can open?”

I nod my head. Oh, my God, this is doable. This might actually work.

For the first time—probably ever—I walk to work with a skip to my step. I’m not alone, Skiden is with me, walking through the trees and not the path. I hold my head high beneath my hooded cloak. As soon as I enter the church and swing the lock closed behind me, I head to the back door and throw it open. It’s just a couple minutes before Skiden slips inside, dressed in a hooded cloak that Mikhail had provided him, and I lock it behind him as he takes off the cloak.

But when I whirl around, he’s larger than life, and blocking the light. His skin seems darker than it does in the daytime sun, the flecks of purple disguised by shades of black. The yellow glow of his eyes seems dimmed too, and for the first time, it dawns on me that he’s a force to be reckoned with.

He approaches slowly, invading my space, making me back up until I’m against the wooden door. He reaches up, settling his hands on either side of my head, pressing against the door until it creaks.

And the way he looks down at me. There’s a muscle leaping in his jaw, a pulse throbbing in his throat and there’s barely a few inches between us. I could spread my palm over his hard chest, feel the ridged muscles just under his vest, could even slide my hand down through the upper layer of tentacles to where I know hisnevra, the pocket shield beneath them, hides his—

“Don’t even think about it.”

My scoff is breathless. There’s something about how dangerous he can become in the blink of an eye that’s tantalizing and sexy. Giddy feelings bounce around inside me when his gaze focuses on my lips.

He lowers his head and I moan before he even touches.

And… oh, God.

His lips are warm and sensual and he kisses like he owns me. He’s hungry and harsh and all I can do is sway in his powerful arms, my hands clasped around his muscular neck, keeping his head locked to me.

I melt with the caresses of his tongue against mine.

His dark chuckle floats through my brain as he tears his mouth away. “You thought about it.”

“Can’t help it.”

“We can’t get your work done twice as fast if we spend all the time at your workplace making love, when we can just make love at home.”

I sigh, dropping my hands to his waist and giving him a gentle little push. I’m surprised to find two of his tentacles wrapped around my ankles, holding my legs spread apart. Does he know how slick I am between my legs? How achy? So needy? How badly I want to jump on him and grind my center down until his cock extrudes?

The sardonic twist of his lips says yes. It’s a universal expression of male smugness.

“Shall we start cleaning?” he asks.

“As soon as you let me walk,” I say.

“Ahh,aniasa, but I love tasting you.”


“Mmm. My feelers—the front suckers on the top layer of appendages against your skin. The taste of arousal that exudes from your skin is the sweetest treat.”

He kisses the tip of my nose.

“That’s why you touch me all the time with your tentacles.”

He grins. “That’s why, beautiful. And I kiss you all the time because I love you.”

I stare at him with the mushiest look on my face.

Then he smacks my rump. “Tell me what we’re doing.”

“We dust everything, wash the windows, sweep the floors, then damp mop. Polish.”

He starts at the top with dusting, I get the bottom. And he’s a hard worker, even though I’m experienced, he keeps up. It takes us a mere three hours before it looks as good as it does when I take eight.

“Now what?” I ask, staring bemused at the sparkling building. The stained glass gleams and is bright, even without the outside sun shining.