“As you wish.” Patron inclines his head. “I merely wanted to meet the one who shall give me grandkish.”
“Oh, I’m not sure if I’m pregnant yet,” she says.
“I’m sure it won’t be long,” Patron says, his voice as calm and smooth as my own. “At least one of my sons will impregnate you quickly.” He deliberately turns his gaze to me.
The food in my belly turns to brick. He slyly seems to be implying something, causing some drama between brothers. Except this time, it isn’t aimed at Tiran and Bronan.
This time it’s me. And while I was always the buffer between my brothers, I’m not sure Tiran would even think to jump in to save me. Why would he? This is the first time our patron has ever tried to turn Bronan and me against each other.
But what is it that he will use? Isabel and I look at each other and she looks… panicked. My blood turns to ice in my veins.
Surely, she hadn’t told anyone about that awkward kiss?
“I am the only one qualified,” Bronan says.
“Really? I thought your younger brother was qualified also. Both of them,” he spits out, for once willing to acknowledge Tiran.
“Tiran is happily mated to River, who is Isabelae’s daughter. You know this. You know he will never impregnate his mate’s maman.”
“True,” my patron responds easily enough and smiles as if this is the answer he wanted. “But that leaves your true brother.”
“Skiden will never—”
And then Patron lets his bomb drop.
“The breeder could be gestating already with his kish! I saw them going at it at the edge of the trees a few moons past.” His eyes are sly as he focuses on me.
My ears ring with his betrayal.
River gasps; Tiran snarls.
“We didn’t—” I start.
“That was just a kiss!” Isabel says, conflicting with my words.
The room grows quiet.
Bronan’s face is ravaged. He loves her; he trusted me and our patron played on that. He’s never before pitted me and Bronan against each other. It was always Tiran and Bronan, or me and Tiran. I’m sure this is payback because I confronted him when Tiran first brought River to the village and my patron tried to intimidate her.
“You bastard,” I snarl. “I should have put you down the first time you caused trouble!” I’ve never felt such satisfaction in my life as I do when my fist sinks into his face, making the Tiiblets cry out and the females scream at the sudden violence.
Immediately, I’m ashamed of myself, only because I shocked the group and gave the male exactly what he wanted. He doesn’t bother to hit back. He lies regally on the floor, like the victim instead of thebrinyiakwho caused all this drama.
And he gives me a smirk.
I will pound him into submission, hit him until he admits that he lies to cause conflict between me and Bronan. I move forward but Tiran grabs me, holding me back from beating him to a pulp. Bronan stares at everything as if he’s in shock.
Patron stands slowly, his face swelling, and he holds his hand out to Bronan. “My son—forgive me. I don’t know what the problem is. Isabel is a breeder, correct?”
Isabel is horrified and Bronan has no choice in the matter but to continue his charade.
“Of course. Be gone with you.” He nods at two males acting as guards, standing near the door. “Escort him from here.” They come to my patron’s side to lead him from the dining room.
I have to set him at ease. I can’t have him thinking that Isabel might be interested in me.
“Bron—” Sharp pain explodes behind my eye as his fist connects with my face, all his hurt spewing out at me, and my limbs fly out from under me, the world spinning as I meet the floor.
“Bronan!” Isabel screams.