Page 77 of Naughty & Nice

But now… for once, it feels right.

I came here to relax, to let go, and now more than ever, I’ve got the opportunity. I’m going to grab it with both hands and see where it leads me. Even if it is directly into trouble.

Finally, music floats through the air, a deep bass thumping through my body and making me move in time.

The soft candlelight makes it so much more sensual and I let go, forgetting about everything that usually keeps my muscles pulled tight and embracing the moment.

“Oh hell, yeah,” Wilder announces happily before I sense him join me on my makeshift dancefloor.

There isn’t much space inside the cabin, and it only feels smaller now we’re in total darkness. But it’s also comforting.

I’m safe here. Possibly safer than I’ve ever been with two guys I trust with my life.

Wilder might be a loose cannon, but he’d do anything to protect me.

Hendrix too.

Just like I’d do for both of them.

The warmth of his hard, strong body spreads down my back a beat before his hands land on my hips.

I’m hit with a strong wave of déjà vu.

Now I know the identity of the man I was dancing with that night, it’s obvious. I kick myself for not figuring it out sooner.

If I were in a better state of mind, maybe I would have realized the touch was too familiar, that I knew his scent.

Hell, let’s be honest, if I were in a better place I wouldn’t have found myself off my face and at a college party in the first place.

I let out a sigh as I lean back against him, my body moving with his effortlessly.

A deep growl from the other side of the room brings me back to Earth. I attempt to jump away from Wilder, but his grip on me is too much.

He spins me around, forcing me to face Hendrix.

His eyes are dark, but it’s not anger. It’s something much more dangerous than that.

It’s desire.

My stomach knots and everything south of my waist pulls tight.

I want to blame the vodka, but that would be unfair.

This has been building since the moment Wilder invited himself on this little trip.

Some may even say it’s been inevitable.

And who would I be to stop the inevitable?



My skin feels too tight and my heart is racing as I stare at the two of them together.

They’ve stopped dancing. But it doesn’t matter. He’s still touching her.

Anger bubbles up within me. But it’s not enough to make me do anything, to force me to make him stop holding her. Because there is something else there, too. And he knows it.