She looks beautiful when she comes; I bet it would be even better with his face between her thighs.
I fall asleep with a raging hard-on, and the dreams that float through my head in my slumber mean that I wake up the exact same way.
These next few days are going to be hard. Pun fully intended.
Just like yesterday morning, the cabin is silent when I wake up with the sunrise.
Hendrix is out for the count. He doesn’t show a single sign of being aware of me slipping from the bed and pulling clothes on.
As I leave the bathroom and head toward the kitchen for my morning hit of caffeine, I assume that Wilder is either still sleeping or out for his morning run.
I soon discover that I’m very wrong when I step into the living room and find him wearing only a pair of shorts and doing push-ups in front of the couch.
All the air rushes from my lungs at the sight of his muscles rippling beneath his skin.
Hendrix is fit, his body toned and defined. But Wilder’s… it’s in an entirely different league.
Unable to stop myself, I stand there with my mouth agape and watch.
He moves so effortlessly. It’s addicting. Too addicting.
“I know you’re watching,” he says roughly, scaring the ever-loving shit out of me.
“What the fuck, Wilder?” I gasp, my heart beating uncontrollably.
He stops and climbs to his feet. He’s got the cockiest smirk playing on his lips that I think I’ve ever seen, and I kick myself for getting sucked in.
“Enjoying the show?” he asks, combing his sweat-damp hair back.
“Why aren’t you out running?” I hiss, needing to take the heat off me.
“You saw the weather warning yesterday, right?”
“Yeah,” I muse.
“Go look outside.”
Ripping my attention from him, I march over to the windows and gaze out.
“Oh shit,” I breathe.
“Indeed. I could have opened the door, but it would have caused a snowslide.”
“A snowslide?” I ask, still staring at the mass of perfectly white snow on the other side of the window. I know I said I was hoping for a white Christmas up here, but this is something else.
“Yeah, a landslide but with snow.” I don’t look back, but I know he’s rolling his eyes at me.
“Right,” I mutter.
“It’s going to get worse today,” he explains as a gust of wind whips across the top of the snow, causing a huge cloud to engulf the cabin.
“Right,” I repeat.
“I hope you ordered enough food, because there’s no way of getting more.”