Page 44 of Naughty & Nice

“That isn’t news to anyone, Bro. I do think you should probably be thanking me, though.”

Rix shakes his head while Noelle breathes, “Leave it.”

“I am disappointed, though. You’re both wearing way too many clothes. What’s the problem, man? Worried she’ll discover mine is bigger?”

“You fucking?—”

“Hendrix,” Noelle shouts, turning toward him and shoving him back.

“Why are you protecting him?” Rix barks back.

“I’m not. I’m stopping both of you. Fighting isn’t going to solve anything,” she states firmly.

“Wilder and I fucked up. It was reckless and selfish, and we’re sorry. Right?” she shoots over her shoulder.

“Sorry for hurting you, yeah. I don’t regret it, though.”

“Wilder,” Noelle hisses.

“What? It was hot. And if it ultimately leads to this,” I say, gesturing between them, “then it was more than worth it. I want you happy, Bro, and I’m sorry for saying it but you needed a kick up the ass. You’ve been in love with Noelle for forever; you were just too pussy to do anything about it. So now… you’re welcome.”

Rix looks down at Noelle, and all his fight leaves him. Instead, his eyes go all soft and sappy. He really is hopelessly in love with her.

“You okay?” she whispers, stepping up to him and cupping his cheek.

I watch them, feeling totally out of place as they gaze into each other’s eyes. I should slip back out and leave them to figure this out together, but I can’t. My feet are rooted to the floor.

“Yes. No. I have no idea,” Hendrix confesses before lowering his forehead to rest on hers.

No more words are said, at least not out loud. I might not be a part of it, but they have quite an in-depth silent conversation.

“I’m going to go and clean up,” Hendrix finally says.

“I would,” I pipe up. “Coming in your pants is all good fun until it goes cold and starts to dry.”

“Fucking hell,” Hendrix mutters as he takes a step back from Noelle. His eyes lift to mine, and I read his warning long before he says the words. “Can I trust you with her?”

It hurts that he has to question it, but also, I totally understand. I haven’t exactly proven myself to be trustworthy or respectful recently.

“Of course,” I agree.

“I fucking hope you’re right. If you touch her again?—”

“I won’t,” I agree. “Not without your permission, at least.”

Hendrix’s eyes widen, his chin dropping. “W-what?”

I can’t help but laugh as my eyes meet Noelle’s.

“You should get your girl to read you a bedtime story tonight. I think you’d enjoy it,” I say before twisting around and walking out of the room.

Forcing myself to walk away, I stop in the kitchen for the drink I wanted earlier before dropping back onto the couch as the news continues to report the incoming storm.

It was a bullshit question to blurt out when they first found me standing there, but it was for good reason. We’re about to get hit with something we weren’t expecting.

“What the hell?” Noelle gasps when she joins me a few minutes later, once again dressed in Hendrix’s hoodie.

Looking over, I find her staring at the TV with wide eyes.