As always, jealousy rushes through me.
I’d love to be able to read as effortlessly as she does. She always looks so relaxed, like the realities of life no longer weigh down on her.
Reading will never be like that for me. It’s been hard since day one, and I know that’ll never change. It doesn’t matter what diagnosis or support I get, I’ll always have to put loads more effort in than the average person.
It used to get me down. Used to make me feel stupid and weak. But I know better than that now, and Noelle is one of the biggest reasons for it.
She’s proven to me how one struggle isn’t enough to hold you back from your dreams. She’s worked with me, supported me, tutored me. And together, we’ve made it to where we are now.
Once upon a time, I didn’t think college was going to be on the cards for me. For any of us really, but mostly me. I never believed I’d get the kind of grades that anyone would be interested in. Hell, there was a time I wasn’t even sure I’d graduate, if I’m being honest.
But here we are. Sure, it helped that Lori managed to snag herself a billionaire husband who’s eradicated any money worries we once had. But that’s only a part of the reason why we were all accepted into Trinity Royal.
It was Wilder’s choice. Some might say we were weak for following him, but then some don’t know the kind of lives we’ve lived.
Family. It means everything to us. There was no way that we were being split up across the country.
Wilder might drive me crazy, and I might not be that much of a football fan, but there was no way I was missing him playing college football. I’ve supported his career all the way from Little League. I don’t plan on stopping now.
I might not tell him often enough, but I’m so fucking proud of him.
Of Noelle, too. She might not know what path she wants her life to take right now, but whatever she decides to do, I know she’s going to kill it. It’s just the kind of person she is.
And as for me… honestly, as long as the most important people in my life are happy, then I’ll take it as a win.
Pulling my cell from my pocket, I open up my gaming app and lose myself the best way I know how.
Time passes and the snow around us gets deeper and deeper. Wilder makes himself scarce for once, and Noelle and I get to hang out exactly as we’d planned.
“Did you want more coffee?” I ask when I lose the level I’m currently on.
Noelle thinks for a moment.
“No, I’m okay. I think I might go and have a bath though,” she explains as she closes her book and throws the blanket off.
Standing up, my hoodie that she’s borrowed falls to just above her knees, leaving her legs bare.
Her skin is flawless, beautiful, and so soft. I just wish I had a reason to indulge.
“I’ll make breakfast,” I blurt as she walks toward the cabin, completely oblivious that I’m sitting here checking her out, silently praying for things I know I can’t have.
It’s been years. I should be used to it by now. I guess, in a way I am. It doesn’t stop my need for her growing, though.
She pauses and looks back, not expecting me to have followed and been so closely behind her.
“You don’t have to do that,” she says softly.
There’s a sadness on her face that makes my chest ache.
I want to give her the world, every single thing that she deserves, but I’ve no idea how.
An ice-cool breeze blows between us now we’re away from the warmth of the heaters, and I can’t help but take a step closer.
Her cheeks are rosy from the cold, making her look even cuter in my massive hoodie.
Reaching out, I cup her jaw and brush my thumb over her cheek.
My heart jumps into my throat when she leans into my touch.