“Yeah. It’s just…” A frown appears between his brows, and for a moment, I think he’s going to tell me that he’s changed his mind. Thankfully, those aren’t the words that come out of his mouth. “I know people will think it’s weird, but… it just kinda feels right, doesn’t it?”
“Most natural thing I’ve ever done. I always thought falling in love would be scary but… it’s not.”
He shrugs. “It’s Noelle,” he says as if it explains everything. Then without another word, he takes off, leaving us alone.
The temptation to go in search of her is strong, but I resist. She’ll be down when she’s ready.
Thankfully, the game starts and I lose myself in the first quarter.
There are only thirty seconds left on the clock when I finally hear her footsteps on the stairs. My eyes remain locked on the screen, needing to see if the Maddison Kings Panthers manage to hit the end zone before time runs out, but just as they make their last pass, Noelle appears in my peripheral vision.
Her steel and black outfit steals my attention, and when I finally look over, the full sight of her takes my breath away.
“That’s… that’s my number,” I blurt like an idiot.
She smiles at me before looking down at her Titan jersey.
“Oh, is it?” she asks innocently before glancing back at me through her lashes. “I didn’t realize.”
“You’re bad, Rebel. So freaking bad.” Her smile grows.
I fucking love this mischievous side of her. Sure, I’d seen snippets of it in the past, but nothing like I am now.
“So, you think it suits me?”
“I think it looks a whole lot better on you than it does me.”
She saunters closer. “Hendrix has gone to the store.”
“So I heard,” I murmur, my eyes dropping to her exposed legs.
I wonder if she has panties under there…
“We’ve got the house to ourselves.”
“We do.”
“And…” She glances back at the screen. “We’ve got two minutes without play What should we do?”
Scooting forward, I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her onto the couch with me. It’s still made up as a little love nest from last night. Perfect.
“Shame it isn’t halftime,” she muses.
“Don’t worry, Rebel. I can do a lot in two minutes.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” she counters before I flip us, pinning both her wrists above her head, allowing her jersey to ride up enough to get the answer I needed.
“You seem to have forgotten something again,” I muse as her legs wrap around my waist, dragging me closer.
“I haven’t forgotten anything. You have, though, because you should be kissing me right now.”
“My girl sure is demanding,” I tease, nudging her nose with mine.
“Your girl,” she breathes.
“Well, you are wearing my number. No other girl has ever been given permission.”
“Oh, I’m special,” she says, wiggling her hot little body against mine.