I take off running. The house is two miles away, right on the other side of campus, and midnight is closing in.
Unless I go at full speed, there’s a chance I won’t make it.
That’s not a possibility.
I have to get there.
I have to say the words I’ve been holding back all week.
I have to bring in the new year with the two most important people in my life.
I have to apologize.
My legs and lungs burn, but the house is in my sights. I’m feet away, and I’ve still got seven minutes.
Putting everything I’ve got into the final stretch, I push harder, knowing that the end is in sight.
As I race up the driveway, I pull my keys from my pocket. I can’t ring the bell. The second they see it’s me, they’ll probably put the deadlocks on and refuse to let me in. It would be understandable if they did.
My hand trembles with anticipation and exhaustion as I push the key into the lock, but my adrenaline is still pumping, and the second the door is unlocked, I throw it open, sending it crashing back against the wall, fucking up any chance I had at a calm entrance.
I don’t know where they are. Chances are good that they’re in bed fucking. Couldn’t blame them if they are, but I’d quite like to get their full attention as I gate-crash their night.
Thankfully, as I rush into the house, I find light coming from the living room, along with the sound of the TV.
I grind to a halt in the doorway just as Hendrix jumps over Noelle as if they’re being raided by an armed madman.
I want to say that it’s only me and she doesn’t need protecting, but I’m not entirely sure that’s true. I’ve already hurt her, and something tells me that I’ll probably do it again, even if it is unintentional.
Their eyes are wide as they stare at me, but thankfully, they do relax a little.
Hendrix’s mouth opens to say something, probably to demand I get the fuck out of their house, but in a rush, I beat him to it.
“I’m sorry,” I blurt. “I’m really fucking sorry.”
It’s not enough. It’s nowhere near e-fucking-nough. But it’s all I’ve got right now.
Neither of them says anything as the guy on the TV announces that there are three minutes to go.
Please don’t send me away.
My heart races and every muscle in my body is pulled tight.
If they send me away then… then I’m going to spend the new year alone and out in the cold.
That isn’t the kind of start to the year anyone wants.
I deserve it. I really fucking do.
But… I don’t want it.
I want them.
“Wilder,” Noelle finally sighs. The sound of her voice instantly makes something within me relax.
Hendrix, though, isn’t going to be so easy to break.