Page 150 of Naughty & Nice

We’d already agreed to stay in, not that there needed to be any kind of discussion about that, so I’m not surprised when he pulls one of his hoodies over my head and leaves it at that.

Perfect evening in, if you ask me.

Being the amazing boyfriend that he is, he even brushes and blow-dries my hair before taking my hand and leading me downstairs.

It’s mostly in darkness, but the flickering light from the living room gives me a clue about what I’m going to find.

But I soon find that my imagination pales in comparison when he guides me into the room.

“Wow,” I breathe, taking in all the candles and the couch that he’s transformed into a huge bed.

It’s covered in pillows and blankets, and there’s a tray of snacks waiting for us.

“Do you like it?” he asks a little nervously.

“I love it. It’s the perfect way to ring in a new year.”

“I’ve ordered your favorite. It’ll be here soon. All we’ve got to do is select the movies.”

I let out a contented sigh and lean back against his hard body.

His arms wrap around me and I close my eyes.

I always wondered what it would be like if we got together. But I never could have imagined something this perfect.

As promised, all of my favorite Chinese dishes arrive just over thirty minutes later, and we eat on our makeshift bed with the movie playing in the background.

Much to Hendrix’s delight, I’ve moved on from the cute Hallmark Christmas movies in favor of something with a little more action and less cheese. Not that he’d ever complain about my choices.

With all the food eaten, Hendrix abandons the containers in the kitchen and we snuggle down together to enjoy the rest of our night.

We watch two more movies before we begin glancing at the clock.

Midnight is coming, and there is only one person I want to be kissing when the clock strikes twelve.

Our movie ends with just over five minutes to go, and Hendrix finds a TV channel that will count down to the big event before turning to me and pulling me tighter into his body.

“This is how I want to spend every New Year from here on out.”

“I think I could get on board with that idea,” I tease.

His lips find mine, and whatever is happening around us fades into nothing as we lose ourselves in each other. At least, until the front door slams back against the hallway wall and heavy footsteps pound our way.

We jump apart before Hendrix dives in front of me, ready to protect me from whoever just stormed inside our house.

But it’s not necessary. I already know who it is.

There is only one other person with the key.

And not three seconds later, I’m proved right when a harassed-looking Wilder appears in the doorway.

His hair is a mess, his eyes are wild, and his chest is heaving as if he just ran here from the team house.

“I’m sorry,” he blurts. “I’m really fucking sorry.”