Page 130 of Naughty & Nice

“It’s our last night. I don’t want to sit around like losers.”

Noelle scoffs, and I smirk at her before reaching for her hand and tugging her to her feet.

“How do you feel about one last rodeo, for old time’s sake?”

“Old time’s sake?” Hendrix asks, sounding amused. “Not sure that saying is appropriate here.”

“What? What we’ve done is now in the past, and I want to remember just how good it was. Don’t you?” I ask, tugging Noelle closer.

She gasps as we collide, and I stare down into her big green eyes.

She rolls her lips between her teeth before swallowing thickly.

Her answer is clear in her darkening gaze, but she’s not quite confident enough to confess it.

Briefly, she glances over at Hendrix, and the second their eyes collide, she relaxes in my hold.

He’s on board with this, and knowing that makes her happy.

Ducking my head, I let my lips brush against her ear. “What do you want, Noelle? This is your last chance to live out this filthy little fantasy of yours.”

It’s like someone takes a bat to my chest as I hear my own words.

Last chance…

Sucking in a deep breath, I force my own feelings aside and focus on her. That’s what all of this has been about, after all.


Her and them.

None of this has been about me.

I was okay with that when we first started. All I wanted was the high, the pleasure.

Now, though…

Now… I have no fucking idea what I want.

Part of me wants to go home and get back to normal life so I can put all of this behind me and crack on. The other part… that fickle, stupid part wants to stay here and keep this little haven we’ve created together.

Noelle’s eyes drop from mine, and a rush of coldness goes through me.

Sensing her unease, Hendrix stands and reaches out, tucking his fingers under her chin, giving her little choice but to look at him.

“What do you want, Elle? It’s okay. Whatever it is.”

She thinks for another moment before she looks at me, and then back at Rix.

“I want… both of you.”

Hendrix doesn’t react, and I can’t help but wonder just how good an actor he really is, because there’s no doubt that my reaction is clear as day on my face.

He was freaking out in the bathroom earlier, that much was obvious to see. And yet, here he is, encouraging Noelle to live out her fantasy as if it’s no big deal.

It’s just more proof that he really is the better one out of the two of us.

I know he doesn’t feel it. And I get it, I really fucking do. I can throw a football. In many eyes, that makes me something special. But really, it’s all bullshit. Who cares about how hard and fast I can throw when I’m nowhere near the kind, compassionate, loyal, loving person he is?