“We should do this every morning,” I announce before starting us off with some gentle yoga positions.
"Okay, that’s great. Thank you, bye,” Noelle says before hanging up the phone and turning to look at the two of us sitting on the couch with a packet of chips each. Breakfast of champions.
We’re almost out of food that doesn’t require cooking. Something is going to have to happen soon.
“We’ve got an extra day. Apparently, there are snowplows expected today that will help clear our way out.”
Another day…
I really shouldn’t be as happy about that as I am.
“Any news about the power?” Hendrix asks.
“They’re working on it. Could come back any minute.”
“I fucking hope so,” I mutter, dramatically throwing my half-eaten packet of chips onto the coffee table. “I need decent food and a hot fucking shower.”
“We know,” Hendrix deadpans.
“Fuck off. Noelle and I showered after our workout this morning. Not our fault you were too busy snoring.”
Hendrix narrows his eyes at me. “No, you didn’t.”
I quirk a brow.
“Don’t listen to him,” Noelle says. “Do you want to borrow this?” she asks, holding up the battery pack she found to charge her cell so she could make the call.
“No, it’s okay.”
“But what about all your devoted female fans?” Hendrix asks.
“They can wait,” I state. “I kinda like being cut off. It’s… peaceful.”
They look at me for a few seconds like I’ve sprouted an extra head.
“What? You don’t agree?”
“Oh no, we agree. We booked this place for a reason, remember?”
Pushing to the edge of the couch, I walk over to the fire and load it up again.
“What do you want to do today?” I ask.
“We haven't played Monopoly yet..”
“We’re not playing Monopoly,” Hendrix barks.
“Oh come on, it’s been years since that… incident.”
“I’ve still got the scar,” Rix says pointing to his chin.
“I was young and stupid,” I reason.
“What’s changed?”
“He’s no longer as young?” Noelle offers up.
“Look, if I promise not to throw anything, can we play?”