Heavy footsteps out on the front deck clue us into Wilder’s arrival—not that we need it.
“What the fuck?” he barks as he steps into the cabin. “It looks like a bunch of elves threw up in here.”
“I know. Isn’t it awesome,” Noelle says, clapping her hands together.
Despite having experienced shitty Christmases to rival ours in the past, somehow, Noelle hasn’t lost the excitement for the holidays. She believes in the magic, and I can’t lie, it’s pretty infectious.
“Err…” Wilder says, watching her as if she’s grown a second head. “Is that alcohol?” he asks, changing tack.
“Yep. Mulled wine,” Noelle says excitedly before opening and closing the cupboard until she’s located the glasses. She pulls three out and then pours a ladleful of wine into each. She passes them out before lowering her nose to hers, breathing it in and letting out a contented sigh.
“Smells gross,” Wilder whines before lifting it to his lips and hesitantly taking a sip. “Ew, it tastes it too.” Although despite his complaint, it doesn’t stop him from swallowing the lot down. “What?” he asks when we both just stare at him blankly. “I need something to get me through the next few days.”
“Lovely,” Noelle mutters before taking a sip of her wine. Her eyes close as she savors the taste. “Shall we go and check out the bedrooms?” she asks, ignoring Wilder’s presence.
She takes off and I can’t do anything but follow, and it soon becomes clear that Wilder is just as willing to explore when his footsteps follow behind me.
“Oh my god, look at the size of that bathtub,” Noelle says after discovering the bathroom first. “What if it snows? We could lie in that tub and look out over the snow-covered hills.”
“Could we?” Wilder asks.
“I,” she corrects. “I could. Alone.”
She spins around and moves toward the next door.
Just like the rest of the cabin, the master bedroom is a replica of the photos we’ve seen, only with the addition of more decorations.
Noelle squeals in excitement and rushes inside.
Placing Noelle’s small case inside the door, I stand back as she checks it out and then continues to the final door.
But when she throws it open, it’s not the second bedroom.
It’s a closet.
“But... there aren’t any other doors,” Noelle exclaims with a frown marring her brow. “We booked a two-bed cabin.”
“Maybe they gave us the wrong one,” Hendrix suggests. “It’s probably just a mistake. Call them.”
Turning my back on the one and only bedroom, I locate my purse on the kitchen counter and dig my cell out.
The call connects and a voice tells me that the company I booked with is closed for the holidays, but gives me an emergency number.
Holding my hand out for Hendrix’s cell, I quickly tap the number in and call that.
I wander off with his cell to my ear, my eyes scanning the cabin.
It’s perfect. Everything I could have asked for for a festive few days away with my best friend.
If it were just the two of us, having one bed wouldn’t have been an issue. We’ve slept together many times in the past.
But having Wilder here too…