Page 105 of Naughty & Nice

“Yeah, I’m starving.”

“I wonder why,” I mutter.

“Jealousy really isn’t a good look on you, Bro.”

“Not jealous. I’ve got plenty of pussy just waiting for my attention. All I gotta do is video call one and boom,” I say making a little explosion gesture with my hand.

Noelle’s eyes darken with something before she mutters, “Lovely,” under her breath and disappears into the kitchen.

Hendrix and I stand there in silence for a few seconds as she crashes around.

“You good?” he finally asks me.

“Yeah, of course,” I lie. “You?”

“Fuck, yeah. It’s Christmas, and it started with being inside Noelle.”

“Hendrix,” she moans, clearly listening to us.

“What? I’m excited about it.”

Noelle chuckles and leaves it there.

“You both deserve it.”

Rix’s mouth opens and closes as if he wants to say more, but no words pass his lips.

“Just spit it out,” I demand.

He moves a little closer and lowers his voice. “We both enjoyed last night. Is that weird?”

“Only if you want it to be. Sex is sex. Pleasure is pleasure,” I say with a shrug. “There’s no shame in enjoying it in whatever form it comes in. Embrace it while it lasts, I say.”

“And you’re okay with it?”

“Bro,” I laugh, although there isn’t much genuine happiness in it and more self-loathing than I’m used to. “Of course I’m fucking okay with it. It was hella hot. As long as you’re good, I’m good. And anyway, something needs to liven this vacation up.”

“You didn’t need to come,” he says for the millionth time.

"And where would you be right now if I hadn’t?” I raise a brow to emphasize my point. When he purses his lips, I follow up with, “Exactly, you’d still have blue balls and would be pining after Mrs. Claus in there.

“Being the nice one only gets you so far in life, Rix. Every now and then, you just have to be a little bit naughty.” I wink before continuing with my sit-ups, letting him go and help his girl out.

I’ve no idea what she’s cooking in there; we still have no electricity. I guess it’s going to be cereal all around… assuming they bought some.

“That’s the last log,” I say as I drop it into the fire, watching the embers fly out and land on the hearth.

“Shit,” Rix hisses.

“There’s more though, right?” Noelle asks, sounding a little terrified that on top of surviving with no electricity, we’re now going to freeze to death.

Okay, probably a little bit dramatic, but it’s really fucking cold even with the fire. I can’t imagine what this little wooden shack would be like without it.

At least we can snuggle… snuggling is fun…

“Yeah, they’re out in the woodshed.”
