Istand outside, shrouded in darkness, watching the two of them in the living room.
I’ll never admit it out loud, but I’m jealous.
Their friendship, their connection… it’s incredible.
Sure, Hendrix and I are close. We share the kind of bond that most people could never understand.
But what they have is special in a whole other way.
I’ve never had a friend who’s understood me in the way they understand each other.
I’ve been telling Hendrix for years that he literally has his perfect woman right in the palm of his hands, yet he’s never done anything about it.
He’s so in love with her. It’s obvious from the way he watches her. He’s completely smitten, but he won’t make the move.
I get it. He’s scared.
He’s not like me. He doesn’t dive into things purely for the thrill of it. He worries about the outcome. I just want the high.
It’s why I never stopped that night after discovering the identity of the dead bride who’d stolen my attention at the Halloween party.
I should have. The second I lifted her veil, I should have taken a massive step back and sent her home to him.
But I didn’t.
I couldn’t.
Instead, I…
Fuck. I swallow thickly, attempting to dislodge the messy ball of emotion in my throat.
I betrayed him that night. And I know that Noelle is right. If he were to find out, it would rip him apart. But also… would it be the push he needs to finally take what he really wants?
Quite honestly, the poor guy deserves to give his hand a rest. I can only imagine how fucking sore it is after all these years of jerking off over his best friend instead of letting her sit on his dick.
I stand there in the shadows, watching them talk and laugh. It hurts, but in a good kind of way.
They’re both incredible people. Kind-hearted, caring, selfless. I mean, hell, they allowed me to gatecrash this party with very little complaint. Most would have told me where to go.
I lose track of time as I stand there like a creep in the night, but eventually, a car pulls up behind me, the door slamming and making me jump before footsteps trudge toward the front door.
It’s cold out here. Way too cold considering my suitcase is packed for the warmth of Austin, Texas. Fucking airline. I could be off-my-ass drunk right now with a girl in each arm.
My eyes drop to Noelle as a weird tightness wraps around my chest.
That short time with her in the bathroom that night wasn’t enough. I’ve never wanted more time with a girl before. I keep trying to tell myself that it’s because we were cut short, and that I didn’t get the full experience of her. But it’s never bothered me before with anyone else.
Maybe it’s just because I know I can’t have her…
Whatever it is, this incessant desperation for her needs to stop. It’s going to get me into trouble. And while that doesn’t usually bother me, I know that this time I’d drag her down with me.
I wait until the delivery driver has arrived and returned to his car before I make my presence known.
“I told you he’d be back for dinner,” Hendrix shouts to Noelle as I step into the kitchen to grab a beer.
“Aw, you ordered my favorite,” I tease as I scan the containers littering the counter.