“Aw, you getting all soppy on us, Sis?” Wilder teases with his usual gives-no-shit attitude.
“I missed my babies.”
Kian rolls his eyes next to her. “Bring you away to a tropical island and all you do is moan,” he deadpans.
Her head snaps to look at him.
“I have not been moaning,” she argues.
Kian smirks, his eyes darting between the three of us. “Oh, she has.”
“Dude,” Wilder complains. “That shit is not necessary.’
Kian throws his head back laughing as Lorelei shakes hers. She’s trying to look embarrassed, but really, she doesn’t care. She’s too happy.
As she should be.
“So, what did you guys do yesterday?”
“Uh…” Hendrix starts while I shift between the two of them awkwardly.
“We had a snowslide,” Wilder happily announces.
Lorelei frowns. “A snowslide?”
“Yeah, some moron opened the door, and boom,” he waves his hand out as he speaks. “Snowslide.”
“Right,” Lorelei mutters before the three of us go on to explain the whole debacle.
“Sounds very festive,” she finally concludes.
“Oh, don’t worry. We celebrated… in our own way,” Wilder deadpans, once again making my cheeks blaze.
Lorelei is going to notice. My stomach knots at the thought of having to explain this to her.
“So, what else is new? Any good gifts I need to know about?”
Hendrix and I sit quietly for a beat, and then predicably Wilder pipes up.
“Rix got a fucking epic gift this Christmas.”
“Oh yeah? From you or… no, you don’t do gifts,” she mocks. “Noelle, what did you get?”
“Go on, Noelle, show Lorelei what you got Rix for Christmas,” Wilder encourages.
“Why is it a gift for him? It could be a gift for me,” I argue, making Lorelei’s brows pinch.
“What did you get?”
“Go on, show them.” Before I know what’s happening, Wilder has placed his palm on my back and he’s pushing me toward Rix.
Hendrix looks over just in time, and after the briefest of eye contact with his brother, he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and brushes his lips against mine in the sweetest kiss ever.
“Oh my god,” Lorelei squeals. “Oh my god. Oh my god. You’re together. Finally.”
We part with a laugh before looking back at the screen.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? Oh my god, I’m so freaking happy right now.”