“Good girl, daddy’s parents will like that. Daddy’s parents will love baby doll.”

“Daddy’s good girl, always,” she promised him with a kiss as the group cooled down, redressing to leave.

“Baby was a good girl, very entertaining,” Angela said kissing her fully on the mouth and while it wasn’t close to being as good as Ryan’s kiss, it wasn’t repulsive like John’s had been. “Baby earned a new present from daddy today.”

“Baby loves her present,” she said looking at her ring.

“I think Angela meant I need to buy my baby another present after this, and she’s right. I’ll find something special for my baby doll for being such a good girl,” Ryan said kissing Angela’s cheek as she moved out of the way letting Mark kiss and fondle Megan’s tits before they left.

“You would be a fool to not get her married to you ASAP,” Claire said giving her a full kiss also. Greg kissed her on the mouth before sucking on her tit patting his shoulder before they also left.

“She’s right…what would you say to a wedding at city hall?” Ryan asked her untying the bonnet that hung around her neck now, as he smiled down at her.

“Baby says yes…always yes to daddy because baby loves daddy so much.”

“Daddy loves his baby doll, I love you Meggie,” he stated cupping her cheek.

“I love you too Ryan. You really are my daddy, and I will always be your baby doll,” she said letting him carry her into the bathroom for a bath and some sleep.

Chapter 8

“Mom, Dad,” Ryan said leading Megan through the lodge towards the man and woman smiling brightly.

“Ryan…and this must be the lovely Megan we’ve heard so much about,” his mom said kissing his cheek then hers.

“Baby doll, this is my mother Olivia, and my father Thomas…or I suppose I should say our parents,” Ryan corrected as his mother’s jaw dropped open spying the rings on her left hand.

“Ryan Andrew Meyers…you did not get married without your mother, did you?” Olivia asked planting her hands on her hips.

“Yes we did,” Ryan admitted cupping Megan’s hip tightly. “I couldn’t resist once she said yes. I wanted her to be mine in her mind, heart, soul, and legally. Especially once her mother finds out about us, let alone the town.”

“That’s what you face when you start sleeping with your student,” Thomas stated looking her up and down. “I see why you did though. She is infinitely gorgeous.”

“Yes my baby doll is stunning, but she’s even sweeter which is why I fell for her,” Ryan agreed making her smile.

“Thank you, daddy,” she stated kissing him.

“We’re expecting your brother and sister soon. Are you joining us for dinner tonight?” Thomas asked.

“Family only or with guests?” he inquired wanting to keep her calm and safe as much as possible.

“Family mainly. Neal and Cassie are here and then Sam and Bridget as well,” he answered, and Ryan nodded.

“We’ll be there, dress as usual?”

“When don’t we dress for dinner?” he questioned, and Ryan chuckled.

“We’ll see you at seven,” Ryan said taking her to his actual cabin, the one he hadn’t wanted to use when they came up before because his parents would want to know who he’d brought to their mountain.

“What is daddy going to dress baby in?” Megan asked after he’d shown her the cabin.

“Baby is going to show off just how pretty she is all night,” Ryan assured her stripping her bare. He put her in a pair of ruffled baby pink crotchless panties and white bobby socks adding a frilly white petticoat that barely covered the panties before sliding her feet into the six-inch Mary Jane heels. He slid the dress over her head and settled it, so her breasts were barely concealed within the top lace fabric. He let her put her hair into pigtails, adding matching ribbons to each as he surveyed her.

“Does baby look pretty enough for daddy?” she asked with a smile seeing the pull of his pants.

“Baby looks so fucking beautiful. Everyone’s going to want to play with baby…everyone,” he repeated letting her know what she was in for at dinner.

“Baby play for daddy,” she said knowing what he meant perfectly well now. “Baby do anything to make daddy happy.”