I smile, brushing my thumb along her mouth. “I know, I believed you,” I tell her.
“Good,” she says, kissing me again. “Can we go home now?”
Fuck, that sounds good.
On the drive back to the shop, Sage fills me in on her plans for enrolling in school here and for what she wants to do with the apartment.
“I want to stay there,” she says, smiling from the passenger seat, the window down and her hair loose and blowing in the ocean breeze.
“I get it,” I say with a nod, smiling at her, loving the idea of her being so close to me even though she won’t be working in the shop with me every day like she has been doing.
Sage laughs. “And I want you to stay there with me,” she now says.
“What?” I ask, my gaze flicking to her again before turning back to the road.
She reaches over, taking my hand in hers as she says, “I want you to move in with me, Nate. If you want to, of course, I know it’s quick and maybe you?—”
I don’t give her a chance to finish her sentence, yanking the car over to the side of the road before hauling her against me for a deep kiss. I know we’ve been spending every night together anyway, but this, moving in together feels so much bigger.
“Yeah, I want to move in,” I murmur against her mouth.
She smiles against my lips. “You do?”
Now it’s me smiling. “Yes, absolutely. You are home to me, Sage. My home.”
She smiles, kissing me again before she whispers, “So let’s go home.”
When we get to the shop, I park out front before grabbing her bags from the back, smiling as we walk around to the stairs that lead up to what I guess is now our apartment. As we walk past the shower, I smile when I see Sage notice the door I managed to hang the other day.
“You did it?” she asks, stopping and turning to me.
“I did,” I reply with a nod.
Her smile widens as she tips her head toward the shower. “Wanna try it out?” she asks.
I laugh because fuck yes, I want to try it out, but considering what’s waiting for Sage in the backyard, now is definitely not the time to do that. “I do, yeah, but let’s get this stuff upstairs first,” I say, lifting my hands to indicate the bags.
Sage pouts, and it’s fucking adorable. “Fine,” she huffs, leaning in to kiss me. “But I’m holding you to that.”
I laugh, and as she turns to walk into the yard, I call, “Sage?”
I step toward her, closing the distance. “Tanner and I were thinking, wondering if maybe you’d like to give Alana the board Mitch commissioned for her?”
“Me?” she asks, eyes wide. “Why me?”
Smiling, I put her bags down before taking her beautiful face in my hands. “Because you’re Mitch’s daughter, and I know that’s what he would’ve wanted,” I say.
She smiles, her eyes flicking to my mouth as she says, “Okay, but only if you and Tanner are with me. You guys are a part of it too.”
“I think we can make that happen,” I say, kissing her softly.