Page 53 of Broken Hearts

“What are we doing here, Nate?” she asks, reading my mind almost, her words a whisper.

I lick my lips, not missing the way Sage’s gaze drops to my mouth. “I don’t know, Sage.”

She nods once as she murmurs, “I know today was fun.”

“It was.”

She smiles. “Not just the surfing part.”

My heart, which was pounding before, now feels like it’s about to smash through my chest. “Not just the surfing part,” I repeat.

I have no idea what’s happening in this moment. If Sage’s words mean what I think they mean, what Iwantthem to mean, but I know I have to wait to find out. That this time, it has to be her that makes the next move. Her that pushes for something more to happen.

I want her. I’m pretty sure that’s obvious.

But every time we go there, it’s Sage who puts a stop to things.

So this time, I’m going to wait.

And hope like fuck that she wants this as much as I do.

I look backover my shoulder and into the house. The papers from the investment company are now shoved in a drawer, but it’s been on my mind ever since all this started with Nate.

This place is his livelihood, and Alana’s too, and selling it now just feels so wrong. Even though I didn’t have the best relationship with my dad, I do feel like keeping The Pipe Dream up and running would be a way to honor his legacy. A legacy he built here that is not only benefiting Alana and Nate but really the whole community.

It’s been on my mind since I found myself attracted to Nate, wondering if this has anything to do with the possibility of me selling The Pipe Dream. What if this is all an act, a ploy to get me to fall for him and keep my dad’s shop? It sounds ridiculous even in my head, and I don’t dare say it out loud.

I wasn’t lying when I said I had a good time today, and honestly, if Alana hadn’t interrupted us, things would have gone further.

“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Nate asks, his words calm. Again, gone is the guy I met that first day, but I’m in my own head, worried about the future.

I don’t want to ask it, but I can’t stop myself. The words flow from my lips without the concern of what he’s going to say. As much as the truth will hurt, it will let me know where we stand.

“Are you just doing this because you don’t want me to sell The Pipe Dream?” I blurt the question out, and without missing a beat, Nate replies.

“What? No.” His words have a bite to them, almost as if he’s shaming me for asking. “Why would you even think that?” He shakes his head, his disheveled brown hair falling onto his forehead, and he runs his hand through it, pushing it back.

“I don’t know,” I reply, but I do know. He hated me when we first met, and now here I am, possibly ruining his life by selling the only thing that is still his connection to my dad.

“Don’t bullshit me, Sage,” Nate says, hitting me with a hard stare. His eyes bore into mine, and my heart flutters at the way he looks at me, deep pools of blackness.

Swallowing hard, I build up the courage to admit to him what I’m thinking, what I’ve been thinking since that first time he kissed me.

“You hated me when I first got here, and now…well, now…” I motion between us, my cheeks growing hot with the idea of things going further between us.

“I didn’t hate you,” Nate scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully. “I think I was just…I don’t know, hurt that Mitch kept it from me. I took my hurt out on you.” He lets out a long sigh. “Mitch, your dad, was always private, and if anything, he was probably embarrassed.”

“Embarrassed about what? By what?” I quickly ask, my heart suddenly aching with what the answer might be.

And it’s like he can read my mind, shaking his head again. “Not embarrassed by you, Sage,” Nate says sweetly. “Never, and you know that. You saw those photo albums.”

I feel the tears begin to well up in my eyes, the thought of how I failed my father consuming me. He was embarrassed because I cut him out with no good reason. I was selfish and immature and petty, and I hate that’s how everything with him ended.

“Sage,” Nate croons. The way he says my name cuts right through me, and I can’t fight the tears any longer. Reaching over, he takes my hand, tugging me toward him. “C’mere,” he whispers, and I swear I’ve never loved the way someone has called to me the way he does. His simple demand makes me feel so needed and comforted.

I climb into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder, the tears spilling slowly down my cheeks, and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

Letting out a low chuckle, Nate sighs. “I told Mitch I would be single forever because I’d never find someone who understands me the way he did.” He pauses, his fingers twisting a lock of my hair mindlessly. “I know this is hard to believe, but I struggle to let people in.”