Page 4 of Fallen Omega

I’m still in pain, but the drugs make it so I can manage.

The crunch of tires catches my attention.

There’s a car, and it’s following me. I know because while I don’t look, it’s no longer background traffic noise but a steady pace that’s caught up to me. By staying behind me at the same distance, its pace in sync with mine.

My heart thumps hard.

I’m still in the middle of no man’s land, where the gang, the Unholy Trinity, have bars and clubs and probably brothels. I don’t go to that part of the Hollows, just the places where I can do business…rather, where my father did business.

I speed up a little.

So does the car.

I slow.

The car slows, too.

White hot fear burns through my blood.

Suddenly there’s a hiss of brakes, followed by the slam of two doors. Swallowing down the terror past the tightness in my throat, I turn, just as someone grabs me. I’m slammed into the steel of a body.

“Looky here. A pretty lil’ omega by the smell of her, out past curfew.”

It’s a cop. Big, strong, burly. His friend is wirier, but still strong. All muscle. I know because he has a hold of me and I’m plastered against him.

The one speaking smirks, his ugly face contorted with something akin to hate. I’m not even sure why. I don’t know him.

“There’s no curfew,” I croak out.

“Hear that, Harry? She’s a cop now. Says there’s no curfew. Is there a curfew?” he asks.

Harry leans down and mutters against my ear, the stench of garlic on his breath. They’re betas, so they’re just taunting me, probably bored.

I don’t want to think of the other possibilities.

“There’s our curfew,” the one named Harry says, “for all pretty girls who’re coming from the Hollows. What were you there for?”

“I was just walking home,” I say.

The big one nods. “From where?”

I can’t say work. “V-Visiting a friend.”

“What did you buy, and where are your papers?” The big cop doesn’t wait, just takes my bag and starts pawing through it. He pockets the drugs with a guttural laugh, and then takes the few dollars I keep in there. “No papers, Harry.”

“Fuck, Andy, she’s like an escaped exotic animal. Maybe there’s a reward?”

“Maybe we’ll get a raise if we take her in an’ hand her over to the Council.” He digs out my wallet and shakes it. “Not even a library card.”

They both laugh as Harry shoves me at Andy. “What’s your name, girly?”

“It’s not illegal to walk in Starlight City,” I say, trying to stand strong and not piss them off. “I didn’t…I didn’t bring my papers.”

“We’ll help you out. What’s your name?”

Panic blurs my vision. I’m the world’s worst liar. And if I refuse, they’ll take me in. I know, I’ve heard stories. If they take me in, they’ll find out. At least this way, I have some kind of chance.

“I-It’s Lizette Roth.”