He isn’t. He’s a fucking shark who likes to play and dress up in preppy clothing.
Except with his little omega.
There’s a side I’ve never seen she brings out. A realness in him he’s never shown other women, even ones he’s been totally obsessed with.
It’s Liz. Lizette. Angel.
He finishes his wine and gets another, an excuse to look at the feed. He gives me a not-so-subtle finger. Asshole.
Christ. Even Reaper’s different with her. He’s always him, but with her, he’s more himself. The Reaper I knew when he was a kid. A teen. Before we got out and went separate ways.
Thank fuck she doesn’t affect me like she does with them. One of us needs a level head.
But maybe there’s something to what Reap told me. Not the bullshit tale, but the three of us marking her.
I look around, but she’s not there.
Frowning, I wait, but she doesn’t reappear. “What the fuck, Angel?”
I glance at the bathrooms. She’s probably taken herself there. The moment between us got intense, and she’s ridiculously innocent. Fuck, if she’s crying, she can do that shit on her own time. We’ve got customers, and even if I don’t likeher out there, she’s good for business. They like pretty. They like her.
So, I start heading that way to drag her out, but I catch a glimpse of Sierra. She nods her head to the private rooms and holds up four fingers.
For a moment the world stops.
Room four?
What the actual fuck?
Did some man drag her in there?
I don’t wait. I stride over, ready to let hell rain down.
Ready to fucking kill.
The door’s ajar and the heavy curtains aren’t quite shut so I slide in, about to pull them wide, when I hear her speak.
“You can’t tell the alphas,” she says, sounding young and playing it sexy.
My blood turns ice.
She did this.
She fucking did this. To defy me. To push me. To rile me.
Angel dragged a man in here.
Lizette might think she’s in control. That this is innocent. But it’s not.
Things happen in private rooms.
Especially to little girls who think they can play with fucking wolves.
I’m betting whatever fucking dead man she has in there’s got a boner that could break stone.
And he’s planning on using it on her—maybe getting her to jack him off. Use her mouth. Touch her.
His hands. On her sweet fucking body.