Page 86 of Fallen Omega


Fear and arousal skitter along my skin and my nerve endings.

Reaper’s following, I know it. But he’s not following because he’s changed his mind about sex or he’s so enamored he wants to kiss me again, lick my throat. Does he even get enamored? He’s so quiet on a level that’s part of him and he takes everything in.

The kiss wasn’t from lust or need.

It was to hide me, shut me up.

And I took it and ran.

I’m no fantasy girl. I’m just me, a sheltered, stupid virgin.

There’s a part that wants to lay blame at my own feet for my predicament. And yes, going into Unholy Trinity territory, one of their domains, was stupid. If I’d been alone and going mad with heat, I’d…I’d be in the hands of the Council and shipped to Hover City for my so-called chosen alpha.

No one’s to blame. My dad died and the cops took my name. And there’s a part of me that wonders since the lettergot to me so quickly, if they’d been aware of me since Dad’s death.

If I hadn’t gone to Pandora’s Box, then…

I shudder.

“Hey, Liz.”

The rough voice startles me, and I turn to the pizza place where the metal roll gate’s half up and light spills out. Ray, who owns it, is outside, apron on, sweeping the walkway.

“Ray, how are you?”

I don’t really want to talk, but I’m not rude, and he’s not one for idle chitchat. Or maybe he is. Our paths usually cross inside the restaurant when we’d pick up pizza for dinner on occasion. He and Dad were friends.

“Still a damn shame about Con.” He shakes his head and tugs on the corner of his salt and pepper handlebar mustache. “Listen, I gotta make a batch of dough and check in the marinara I’ve been simmering since last night, but…some people have been asking about you, Liz. Well dressed. Oh, and some guy in a cap who said he was your cousin? Told ‘em I didn’t know you. Figured since you’re passing by and I’m doing early morning work before we open for the lunch crowd, I’d tell you.”

“Thanks.” Cold spreads through me, and I shiver.

“Be careful, okay?”

I nod, and he salutes, then pulls the gate up, and goes in, only to send the gate screaming back down.

His words sit inside me like little jagged shards of glass. Ray didn’t tell me when they came by but it had to have been at some point since I stepped foot in Pandora’s.

This time, I look behind me, to the sides. I study the shadows of alleys and deep doorways, the heavy branched trees that dot the nature strip before the curb.

I don’t see anyone.

Maybe Reaper left.

His scent is on me, so I’m not sure if I can pick him out asthe city wakes and fumes, breakfast carts and people who wear either their own aromas or ones from a bottle start to fill the world for another day.

I have a hoodie on under the jacket. It’s big, Dad’s, and I like it because it’s old and worn and a faded black that’s now dark gray. I’m not cold. Sure, the early morning’s crisp, and there’s ice from fear in me, but it’ll warm more today. I zip it up and pull the hood over my head.

Better than nothing since I don’t have the skills of Reaper in the disappearing arts.

My stomach lurches. Or that man who warned me.

As I scurry back, head down, hands shoved in my pocket, my fingers wrapped around my silent phone, I attempt to distract myself with who the man was. A friend? Not of the Unholy Trinity, but maybe of Dad’s and by proxy mine. His advice to keep away is something I should head, mark on my throat or not.

We didn’t do it. Knight didn’t go into rut. No knot. No release for me to catch, so to speak.

Maybe the man works for the Council. Or maybe?—