Page 32 of Fallen Omega

And they’re stunning, just like her.

Except, though they’re melting darkness, promising a night of sin, they’re also full of sadness, lust, longing, innocence and loneliness.

I take a deep breath. “Look?—”

“I’m tired and I hurt.”

“Everything good, boss?” Julien’s at the door, taking in the scenario before him.

I turn, right as Knight sidles back into the scene, hand at his mouth, gaze stormy and wearing a frown.

“Yeah,” I say. “We need to get her down to the private level.”

Next to him, Darcy casts dark looks, first at me and then she settles on the culprit for this particular scenario. Culprit, savior, it weirdly works out to be the same thing.

She wants to say something, that’s clear, but even she knows her place—mostly.

All Darcy does is lean a hip against the wall, the music low, sultry around her as it seeps out.

“Can you do that, Darcy?” I press.

She tucks one of the long white-blonde locks behind her ear, on the side that isn’t buzz cut. And just raises a brow. “Maybe Knight should.”

“Maybe you need to learn your place,” Knight says.

Julien swings a look at his girl, then to me. “What do you need, boss?”

“I think,” Darcy says, “we defuse this. Knight and Julien go open the door, and I stay here with you.”

This is Darcy through and through. Utterly tough as nails and not above challenging us. It’s totally unacceptable gamma behavior.

Then again, it’s probably why we work.

“Do it.” I nod at Julien.

Knight’s scowl is something I feel burn deep into my flesh, but I ignore it. Just like I ignore the fact he was meant to unlock the fucking door earlier. All I do is flash him a look.

“I’ll get digging,” Knight mutters.

The two leave and Darcy helps Lizette up. “C’mon, kid, get it together.”

She runs a hand over Lizette, and I shove my hands in the pockets of my suit pants, turning away so they have a modicum of privacy. Voices murmur and I tune them out.

“She’s fine, but she’s already started her heat. You’re right, she should stay until morning. Or, let’s face it, until it’s over. She needs a safe space to ride it out.”

I don’t want Lizette to stay, I don’t want her here period, but I keep the thought to myself.

“What was the kid thinking?” Darcy mutters.

“He wasn’t.” I don’t point out that Darcy is younger than Knight. Shit, she’s probably only a handful of years older than Lizette. I pause, kicking at a rogue stone, trying not to breathe in Lizette’s scent. “And he’s your alpha, too. You don’t talk about him or any of us that way.”

“Yes. Sir.”

My mouth twitches but I fight the smile. “One night, then we take her home in the a.m. Full-service delivery with a warning to stay the fuck away.”

I turn back to her, and she gives me a mock salute. “Julien and I will get to it before dawn breaks.”
